Bundled Services: Foundational Programming Program Quality and Innovation August 15, 2017 From Harm to Home
Objectives Today To understand WHY we espouse the Bundled Services model To understand the opportunity of expanding Financial Capability Services To identify your first steps towards expansion! From Harm to Home
Funder Fantasy Hundreds of clients Data driven Positive Impact Integrated services and financial products From Harm to Home
Client Fantasy One stop shop Client centered and client led Strengths based Holistic Continuum of care From Harm to Home
IRC 2020 – Evidence Based Models From Harm to Home
Bundled Service Evidence Five times more likely to achieve a major economic outcome - Annie E. Casey Foundation Over 70 LISC sites administering this model Over 100 Annie E. Casey Sites 12 IRC sites doing bundled services 4* IRC FOC Sites From Harm to Home
Financial Opportunity Centers (FOC) & Bundled Services Workforce Development Public Benefits Screening and Enrollment Financial Education and Counseling/Coaching Use common data system to track everything Track long-term change in Net Income, Net Worth, Credit Score Offered in community locations where clients feel comfortable
EE Theories of Change From Harm to Home
EE Theories of Change From Harm to Home
People in need of public assistance receive it. EE Theories of Change People in need of public assistance receive it. From Harm to Home
EE Theories of Change Employable people have jobs that provide wages at or above regional minimum wage. From Harm to Home
People have basic financial capability. EE Theories of Change People have basic financial capability. From Harm to Home
Implementing Bundled Services at the IRC From Harm to Home
Bundled Services Workforce Development Public Benefits Screening and Enrollment Financial Education and Counseling/Coaching
Income Assets Income Exceeds Basic Needs Living Wage Career Development Income Exceeds Basic Needs Living Wage Savings Assets Discretionary spending Early Employment Income Meets Basic Needs Entry-level Employment Food Rent Utilities Contextualized ESL Basic Financial Education Ongoing Financial Ed Vocational ESL Small Business Development -Will walk through this with help from animations -3 bars at the bottom represent Where we want clients to be: durably self-reliant, have clear pathways to upward economic mobility, savings and assets – secure in their financial present and future, contributing members of their communities ->thriving Tax Preparation Incentivized Savings Loan Products
Financial Capability Financial Education Financial Counseling Financial Coaching Financial Services
Financial Counseling and Coaching… You’re already doing it CHPs at the IRC are not medical practitioners, and therefor are not able to provide medical care including helping to administer medication, measuring blood pressure etc. CHPs at the IRC may be certified with an accredited institution if resources are available A CHP program is an investment and a longer term view should be taken when planning to start this program A CHP program focuses on many behavioral change areas that contribute to overall wellness of an individual and their family in the first from in their first 9 months of arrival and usually includes the following topics: Health, mental Health, Nutrition, Financial education, Reproductive health, Gender base violence awareness, alcohol and drugs abuse prevention, self-advocacy, positive parenting and lasts from 6-9 months long.
Financial Counseling and Coaching Can enhance existing R&P MG/Early Employment capacity Can generate high outcomes/clients from day 1; Serve those you are already serving Highly attractive to funders, if packaged as aligning your work around the “Bundled Service, FOC model” Typically privately funded, with no eligibility limits beyond low-income = allows you to offer service that remains relevant, useful, practical to clients long after they time-out of MG/Early Employment – aka long-term case management through a financial lens Because you are bundling services, you can blend budgets, realize greater flexibility Can be integrated into New Roots, Mental Health, Health, WPE Can enhance longer-term EE programs, Career Dev and Microenterprise We know it’s a crucial need CHPs at the IRC are not medical practitioners, and therefor are not able to provide medical care including helping to administer medication, measuring blood pressure etc. CHPs at the IRC may be certified with an accredited institution if resources are available A CHP program is an investment and a longer term view should be taken when planning to start this program A CHP program focuses on many behavioral change areas that contribute to overall wellness of an individual and their family in the first from in their first 9 months of arrival and usually includes the following topics: Health, mental Health, Nutrition, Financial education, Reproductive health, Gender base violence awareness, alcohol and drugs abuse prevention, self-advocacy, positive parenting and lasts from 6-9 months long.
Bundled Services - Staffing Public Benefits Access = Case worker Workforce Development = Employment Specialist Financial Capability = Financial Coach Clients receive services from all three simultaneously. From Harm to Home
Integrating Financial Education and Counseling The CHP program is an initiative that recruits and trains members of the refugee/asylee community to serve as Community Health Promoters (CHPs), who provide comprehensive, in-home, skills-based education directly to refugee women and their families. The Promoters use their experience as successfully resettled refugees and extensive training in health promotion topics to work with newly arrived refugee target clients and families from their own culture and provide education during the first year of their resettlement. The CHPs will serve not only as a source of knowledge within their communities, but will also provide social support for women and their families, and operate as cultural liaisons between the IRC, community service providers, and client communities.
Bundled Services Model - Funding Generally blended funding Built upon IRC’s resettlement services Benefits Screening Workforce Development Requires us to fundraise for a financial coach From Harm to Home
Presenting Our Case From Harm to Home
Bundled Services - Data Outcomes driven Income Net Worth Credit Score ETO provides platform to track all From Harm to Home
Financial Capability for New Americans
Financial Capability for New Americans
Resources Building Financial Capability: A Planning Guide for Integrated Services LISC website on Integrated Services Center for Working Families How-To Guide From Harm to Home
? Questions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yfPJ7y7oC0I