Global Warming
Greenhouse Gases C02 – combustion of fossil fuels/wood Methane – cows, rice patties, coal mines CFCs – aerosol cans, refrigerator/air conditioners, Styrofoam, solvents
Potential Impacts Melting of the Polar Ice Caps = Coastal flooding & decreased/change in fish stocks Plant & animal extinctions Shifting agricultural belts = decreased food supply/crop production Increased evaporation on continents = decreased fresh water supply & droughts Increased number and severity of storms (hurricanes, cyclones, tornadoes, ice storms etc)
Solutions Kyoto Protocol or other international agreements (agreements to decrease emission standards) Honda/Toyota/Ford – Hybrid Cars Waste Management = waste to energy Ontario Drive Clean program – car emissions Reforestation programs (carbon sinks) EcoSchool Green Taxes Energy alternatives (solar, wind, geothermal etc)
Kyoto Accord In Dec 1997, over 160 countries meet in Kyoto, Japan Agreement was to reduce greenhouse gases of Developed countries (ie Canada) to 6% below 1990 levels between 2008 & 2012 Industrial (developing) set a target of 5.2% below their 1990 levels. The protocol allowed the presence of Carbon Sink (process that removes carbon from the atmosphere i.e. trees) credits towards a countries greenhouse gases The protocol also allowed other countries to buy carbon credits from other countries