Consequences of Delayed Maintenance of Pavement Networks


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Presentation transcript:

Consequences of Delayed Maintenance of Pavement Networks Carlos M. Chang – University of Texas at El Paso Edgar Rodriguez – University of Piura Margot Yapp – NCE Linda Pierce – NCE

Outline Introduction Research Objectives and Approach Framework to Quantify the Consequences of Delayed Maintenance Case Study Conclusions

Pavement Management Strategies Introduction Transportation Asset Management: Complex decision-making process to operate, maintain, upgrade, and expand physical transportation assets effectively throughout their entire life cycle. Pavements: Main transportation asset that contribute to a nation’s economic development. Challenges: Aging - Deterioration Increased Demand of Road Users Limited resources. Better Pavement Management Strategies

Introduction “Highway maintenance: “to preserve and repair a system of roadways with its elements to an accepted quality of performance”. (AASHTO, 2007) Preservation “work that is planned and performed to improve or sustain the condition of the transportation facility in a state of good repair”. (FHWA, 2016). Delayed maintenance “work that is needed to preserve the highway system but postponed in the agency-defined maintenance program.” (Chang et al, 2017).

NCHRP Research Report 859  

Research Team The University of Texas at El Paso Carlos M. Chang, Ph.D., P.E. Soheil Nazarian, Ph.D., P.E. Marketa Vavrova, Ph.D., E.I.T. Research Assistants Luis Valdez Erick Munoz John Padilla Sandra Gutierrez Shahrouz J. Ghadimi Oscar Ortega Edgar Rodriguez Nichols Consulting Engineers, Chtd Margot T. Yapp, P.E. Linda M. Pierce, Ph.D., P.E. Timin Punnackal, E.IT. Jason Puccinelli, P.E. Mei-Hui Lee, Ph.D. Spy Pond Partners, LLC William Robert Consultant Roger E. Smith, Ph.D., P.E.

Research Objectives Develop a step-by-step framework to quantify the consequences of delayed maintenance. Show a case study to demonstrate the application of the framework to analyze delayed maintenance scenarios.

Research Approach Task 1: Information review and on-line surveys Task 2: Focused phone interviews with selected DOTs Task 3: Perform delayed maintenance scenarios The methods and analytical tools described in the procedures can be adapted to the agency preservation policies, maintenance resources, and performance standards.

Framework to Quantify the Consequences of Delayed Maintenance Step 1: Define the asset preservation policy Step 2: Determine maintenance and budget needs for the asset group Step 3: Conduct delayed maintenance scenarios analyses Pavements, Bridges, Culverts, Guardrails, Lighting, Pavement Markings, and Signs.

Case Study Step-by-Step Example Pavements

Step 1 Define the Asset Preservation Policy 1.1 Identify the types of maintenance for the asset group 1.2 Establish performance objectives for the asset group 1.3 Formulate decision criteria for maintenance activities

1.1 Identify Maintenance and Rehabilitation Activities Maintenance treatments: crack seals, slurry seals, and microsurfacing. Rehabilitation treatments : hot-mix-asphalt overlays with milling or recycling prior to the overlay.

1.2 Establish Performance Objectives for the Pavement Network Minimum Network Pavement Condition Index (PCI): 80 Minimum Network. Remaining Service Life (RSL): 25 years Minimum Percent of the Network in Good Condition: 75% Minimum Percent of the Network in Poor Condition: 10%. RSL curve. Source: after MTC (1988) PCI

1.3 Formulate Decision Criteria for M&R Activities

Step 2 Determine Maintenance and Budget Needs 2.1 Asses the pavement network condition 2.2 Select performance models to forecast the bridge network condition and/or remaining life 2.3 Perform the needs analysis

2.1 Assess the Pavement Network Condition Field survey inspections: Distress Identification Manual for Flexible Pavements (MTC, 2016). Distresses: alligator cracking, block cracking, distortion, longitudinal cracking, patching, rutting, weathering, and raveling. PCI is calculated for each pavement section.

2.2 Pavement Performance Models

2.3 Needs Analysis Based on the decision criteria for M&R and using PCI family performance curves, treatment and funding needs are identified for the individual pavement sections Sufficient funds are available to apply the treatments. Analysis period: 20 years.

2.3 Needs Analysis

Step 3 Maintenance Scenarios Analyses 3.1 Formulate delayed asset maintenance scenarios 3.2 Perform the delayed maintenance scenarios analyses 3.3 Determine the impact and report the consequences of delayed maintenance

3.1 Formulate Delayed Maintenance Scenarios Scenario 1. Maintenance and rehabilitation treatments are performed with sufficient funds to implement the agency’s preservation plan: a. To preserve the pavement network in very good condition b. To preserve the pavement network at the same existing condition. Scenario 2: Do nothing. No maintenance, rehabilitation, or reconstruction treatments are performed.

3.1 Formulate Delayed Maintenance Scenarios Scenario 3: Maintenance treatments are delayed by 2 years. Scenario 4: Budget-driven with limited funds for maintenance: a. 40% of baseline budget for maintenance b. 0% of baseline budget for maintenance, only major rehabilitation treatments received funds.

Budget Needs, Agency and Backlog Costs 3.2 Perform Scenarios Analyses Note: Maintenance scenarios were run in StreetSaver Budget Needs, Agency and Backlog Costs

How to Report the Consequences of Delayed Maintenance? 3.3 Determine the Impact and Report the Consequences How to Report the Consequences of Delayed Maintenance?

Impact of Pavement Network Condition Delaying maintenance by 2 years increases the percent of pavements in very poor condition in the long term. The impact is higher for the pavement networks in fair and poor condition. Backlog costs are also higher for the pavement networks in fair and poor condition.

Impact on Backlog Costs

Remaining lives in delayed and budget-driven scenarios are above 20 years for about half of the network, but there is also about one third with remaining lives less than 2 years.

Conclusions and Recommendations 1. Pavement network condition, agency costs, backlog costs, and remaining life are performance measures recommended to show the consequences of delayed maintenance and communicate the impact to funding authorities. 2. Total agency costs and backlog costs increase in all the scenarios as the pavement network condition moves from good to poor. The impacts were more significant for a pavement network in poor condition. 3. In a broader perspective delayed maintenance also affects mobility, safety, and transportation agency and user costs. Future research on these impacts is recommended.

Acknowledgments The framework was developed under the research project NCHRP 14-20A “Consequences of Delayed Maintenance of Highway Assets” sponsored by the National Cooperative Research Program (NCHRP) and completed in April 2017. The authors also like to acknowledge the support of the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) in California for providing access to StreetSaver to run the scenarios analyses.

Carlos M. Chang, Ph.D., P.E.