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Your Presentation must include: 2 slides Timed Transition from the 1st slide to the 2nd slide (Use the “Transitions” tab and make sure to uncheck “On Mouse Click” and that “Advance Slide” is set to “After” with an appropriate number of seconds so that all your animations have time to play. A Background of some sort other than plain white. Don’t use a picture as your background. (Right click on your slide to find the “format background” option at the bottom of the menu that pops up) Word Art or Textboxes that animate “after previous” or “with previous” Pictures that animate “after previous” or “with previous” Use the “Animations” tab to set up your animations and make sure that you change the “Start” option from “On Click” to “After Previous” so that your animations play one after the other or “With Previous” if you want your animations to start at the same time. Make sure you set up your animations in the order that you want them to happen. Don’t forget to also change the “Duration” time to set how long you want the current animation to take. Remember Press F5 to test out your presentation Everything should happen automatically, no buttons should be pressed during your presentation