Traditional explanations Antisocial behavior Traditional explanations
Agenda Definitions Nature-nurture debate Traditional explanations
Aggression - Definitions Hostile aggression Hot, impulsive Instrumental aggression Cold, premeditated Passive aggression, Fear and avoidance of direct conflict, yet a feeling of powerlessness and helplessness (It’s the report your colleague keeps forgetting to finish for you or the shoes of your girlfriend that she seems to keep forgetting in front of the door, ) Active aggression
Aggression - Definitions An intentional behavior Intent is to harm The victim wants to avoid harm Violence Aggression, with the goal of extreme physical harm
Aggression - Definitions Antisocial Behavior Behavior that either damages interpersonal relationships or is culturally undesirable. Aggression may be social or antisocial Aggression can protect
Aggression: Instinct or learned?
Instinctive Freud- believed aggression was an instinct that could not be eliminated; it could only be discharged through outlets such as SPORTS. Freudian psychologists believe that the more frustration one has, the more aggressive one becomes.
Freud on aggression Aggression has a biological basis: Eros, the life instinct and Thanatos, the death instinct As these two instincts are in conflict the energy produced is displaced to the “real world” and aggression acts as a safety valve to dissipate the energy
Thanatos Freud’s definition of Thanatos. ‘to reduce life to its original condition of inanimate matter’. Dammed up forces must: (a) find behavioural expression and a target, i.e. result in aggression (b) find a substitute target (catharsis) (c) find sublimation in more productive outlets. (The redirection of libido to approved societal ends) Question for thought: How do you “let off steam”? Direct target, substitute or productive outlets?
Note down your homework for next class Individual work: Observe yourself and your negative emotions within the next days (until next class). Makes notes in which situations you experienced feelings of aggression/anger (even if it is just slight anger) Describe the situation: What triggered the feeling? Was there anything else that influenced your feelings that happened before or during the situation? How would you describe your feelings in each situation? Note down how you reacted in each situation. Was your reaction passive (indirect) or direct? It is best if you make notes right away to be able to better assess your feelings. Turn in at least one description of a situation where you felt negative feelings or irritation
Reading and discussion Read p. 70 Which type of aggression (as defined by Lorenz) is more antisocial (with reference to the previous definitions and classification of aggression). Why?
Lorenz on aggression 1966 book on “the fighting instinct in the beast and man which is directed against members of the same species” Aggression is genetic
Lorenz on aggression Intra-species aggression Keep members of the same species apart so each has enough territory and therefore sufficient resources to survive. Sexual selection without destroying members of their species by threat displays. Ritualized. Appeasement gesture
Lorenz on aggression Inter-species aggression Killing for food Drive is hunger not aggression Different development of humans, no inhibiting mechanism as we are not equipped with natural weapons
We are more alike than different ‘Bad’ people are similar to us, differing in degree. They only fail to control their impulses which come out in destructive, antisocial ways. We succeed through effective defense mechanisms to harness the power of the ‘dark side.’ By looking inward, we may recognize our dark sides and not let it control us, but use it productively. How can we use a dark side productively?
Our healthy darkness Why don’t we (healthy people) act on our darker impulses? We do, (but to a lesser degree.) - In our fantasies - Our choice of partners. - our work - the friends we seek - our material possessions - the way we dress - the cars we drive *All reflect conscious and unconscious fantasies we have about ourselves.
Demonize others: projection It is easier to see our problems in others than to acknowledge them in ourselves. We need to acknowledge and control the beast within.
Self-centeredness and antisocial behavior All restrain destructive tendencies without examining them. We need to examine them.
Are you able to cope with the dark side Are you able to cope with the dark side? A solid integrated sense of self Healthy people like and accept themselves, do not depend excessively on others for approval, and are not severely wounded by others' criticism. A solid, integrated sense of self, neither grandiose nor despised, exists with relatively continuous, reasonably pleasant memories. The ability to withstand anxiety without falling apart or launching into drastic action; to delay gratification and tolerate frustration, when appropriate; to think before acting; to modulate impulses; to sublimate basic impulses. Healthy persons can love, that is, value and care for another person.
Aggression is innate but it depends on the situation if we let it out Yes, We Can! Anyone can become antisocial under certain conditions. E.g. protest, genocides, examples in history? Examples today?
Video example What if your town got affected by a hurricane. No one is in the supermarket anymore… Your house is destroyed and you need food
Questions for Thought What would you wish for if you could wish for anything at all with no possibility of getting caught or punished?
Individual or group work Experiments show that we control ourselves but become evil if the situation allows….can you give examples of such situations? Look for examples from history but also from present time. Do you see this as a problem for the society you live in? Have you experienced times where the situation changed your behavior or changed your feelings (higher arousal, power, excitement)?