Chapter 7: Preventing Abuse and Neglect


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 7: Preventing Abuse and Neglect Early childhood professionals are among the people who can help prevent child abuse and neglect. Because they see children daily, they are in a unique position to help children who suffer from abuse and neglect. Child Care Today, Chapter 7: Preventing Abuse and Neglect

Chapter 7: Preventing Abuse and Neglect child abuse child neglect documenting crisis nursery resilience investigate alternative Child Care Today, Chapter 7: Preventing Abuse and Neglect

Understanding Child Abuse and Neglect Chapter 7: Preventing Abuse and Neglect Understanding Child Abuse and Neglect One million children are affected yearly by abuse and neglect. Abusers are often family members or friends. Abuse or neglect can have lasting effects on the child and on the family. Any sign of abuse must be reported. Child Care Today, Chapter 7: Preventing Abuse and Neglect

Types of Abuse Chapter 7: Preventing Abuse and Neglect Early childhood professionals must recognize and report child abuse. child abuse Intentional physical, sexual, or emotional injury inflicted on a child. Child Care Today, Chapter 7: Preventing Abuse and Neglect

Types of Abuse Chapter 7: Preventing Abuse and Neglect Physical Abuse Physical abuse is intended to intimidate or cause suffering to the child. Normal bruising from play or accidents often occurs on bony areas. Watch for severe injuries, repeated injuries, and indications from the child that something out of the ordinary is occurring. Child Care Today, Chapter 7: Preventing Abuse and Neglect

Types of Abuse Chapter 7: Preventing Abuse and Neglect Emotional Abuse Emotional abuse includes saying foul, vulgar, or demeaning things to cause pain. demanding that a child perform tasks that are too difficult. failing to provide a child with continuing affection and emotional support. encouraging children to commit illegal acts. Child Care Today, Chapter 7: Preventing Abuse and Neglect

Types of Abuse Chapter 7: Preventing Abuse and Neglect Sexual Abuse The trust children have in adults makes them vulnerable to abuse. Abusers often threaten children to keep them from telling anyone about the abuse. Sexual abuse includes subjecting a child to any sexual activity, showing pornography, taking inappropriate photographs, incest, rape, genital exposure, and touching personal body parts. Child Care Today, Chapter 7: Preventing Abuse and Neglect

Child Neglect Chapter 7: Preventing Abuse and Neglect Child neglect puts a child’s emotional and physical health and safety at risk. child neglect The failure to provide a child with the basic necessities of life, including food, clothing, shelter, and medical care. Child Care Today, Chapter 7: Preventing Abuse and Neglect

Child Neglect Chapter 7: Preventing Abuse and Neglect Young children cannot care for themselves, so they need care from adults. Emotional neglect is depriving a child of a basic emotional need such as love or attention. Physical neglect is depriving a child of a basic physical need. Child Care Today, Chapter 7: Preventing Abuse and Neglect

Child Neglect Chapter 7: Preventing Abuse and Neglect Signs of child neglect may include tiredness from being deprived of sleep. behavioral problems. quiet, shy, and aimless wandering. difficulty concentrating. limited attention span. Child Care Today, Chapter 7: Preventing Abuse and Neglect

Factors That Can Lead to Abuse Chapter 7: Preventing Abuse and Neglect Factors That Can Lead to Abuse Parents have poor coping skills. Lack of knowledge about parenting and child care. Unrealistic expectations about parenthood. Parents may have been abused as children. Financial and/or employment stress. Abuse of alcohol and other drugs Child Care Today, Chapter 7: Preventing Abuse and Neglect

Factors That Can Lead to Abuse Chapter 7: Preventing Abuse and Neglect Factors That Can Lead to Abuse Signs that an adult may be abusing a child: Sees the child as bad, worthless, or a burden. Shows little concern for the child or the child’s welfare. Makes frequent demands that the child cannot achieve. Asks child care professionals to use physical discipline if the child misbehaves. Denies child’s problems in school or at home. Rarely looks at or interacts with the child. Looks primarily to the child for care, attention, and satisfaction of emotional needs. Blames or berates the child. Rejects the child emotionally. Parents are secretive or overprotective of the child. Limits contact with other children. Child Care Today, Chapter 7: Preventing Abuse and Neglect

Effects of Abuse Chapter 7: Preventing Abuse and Neglect Short-term consequences include injuries. behavioral problems. excessive fears. Child Care Today, Chapter 7: Preventing Abuse and Neglect

Effects of Abuse Chapter 7: Preventing Abuse and Neglect Long-term consequences include abusive to self and others. unable to develop or keep healthy relationships. participation in high-risk behaviors. difficulties in school and/or work. Child Care Today, Chapter 7: Preventing Abuse and Neglect

Responding to Child Abuse and Neglect Chapter 7: Preventing Abuse and Neglect Responding to Child Abuse and Neglect Early childhood professionals must act on behalf of children to prevent or limit abuse and to help them overcome its harmful effects. Child Care Today, Chapter 7: Preventing Abuse and Neglect

Documenting and Reporting Chapter 7: Preventing Abuse and Neglect Documenting and Reporting All states have agencies staffed with social workers who investigate cases of suspected child abuse and neglect. investigate To look into, observe, or study. Child Care Today, Chapter 7: Preventing Abuse and Neglect

Documenting and Reporting Chapter 7: Preventing Abuse and Neglect Documenting and Reporting Laws in all states require those who work with children to report suspected abuse or neglect. Mandated reporters, including early childhood staff, must file a report even if abuse or neglect is only suspected. file a report even if the adult is a parent or coworker. Child Care Today, Chapter 7: Preventing Abuse and Neglect

Documenting and Reporting Chapter 7: Preventing Abuse and Neglect Documenting and Reporting Documenting and reporting responsibilities of early childhood staff include The staff member must document observations, comments, photos, and conversations. Procedures for reporting include calling the police or a child-abuse hotline with incident details and basic information. Reports should be documented in the child’s file for future reference or legal purposes. Child Care Today, Chapter 7: Preventing Abuse and Neglect

Documenting and Reporting Chapter 7: Preventing Abuse and Neglect Documenting and Reporting Because accusations of abuse and neglect are very serious, professionals must be very careful when documenting conditions that cause genuine concern for a child’s health or safety. documenting Making a confidential, written record of suspected abuse or neglect. Child Care Today, Chapter 7: Preventing Abuse and Neglect

Documenting and Reporting Chapter 7: Preventing Abuse and Neglect Documenting and Reporting Documenting includes keeping records of what the staff member sees. comments the parents make. conversations staff members have about their concerns, including dates and information shared. photos to show physical injuries. Child Care Today, Chapter 7: Preventing Abuse and Neglect

Parent Referrals Chapter 7: Preventing Abuse and Neglect Many early childhood programs offer parenting classes that address topics such as alternative forms of discipline. alternative Something different from, and able to serve as a substitute for, something else. Child Care Today, Chapter 7: Preventing Abuse and Neglect

Parent Referrals Chapter 7: Preventing Abuse and Neglect Services offered to parents may include workshops on factors that lead to abuse. support groups, such as Parents Anonymous. community mental health agencies. family therapy. violence prevention programs. crisis nursery. Child Care Today, Chapter 7: Preventing Abuse and Neglect

Parent Referrals Chapter 7: Preventing Abuse and Neglect While at a crisis nursery, a child can be safely cared for while the parents receive support services. crisis nursery 24-hour child care services for parents who feel they might hurt their child. Child Care Today, Chapter 7: Preventing Abuse and Neglect

Building Children’s Resilience Chapter 7: Preventing Abuse and Neglect Building Children’s Resilience Children are known for their resilience following difficult experiences, but they do not often do it alone. resilience Ability to cope with and eventually recover from difficult situations. Child Care Today, Chapter 7: Preventing Abuse and Neglect

Building Children’s Resilience Chapter 7: Preventing Abuse and Neglect Building Children’s Resilience To help build resilience in children, give children individualized attention. spend quality time with children to build their sense of self-worth. talk with and listen to children closely. give children some decision-making power and control over their daytime experiences. provide children with a consistent daily routine. Child Care Today, Chapter 7: Preventing Abuse and Neglect

Preventing Child Abuse and Neglect Chapter 7: Preventing Abuse and Neglect Preventing Child Abuse and Neglect Limiting Abuse Opportunities Never allow a child to be alone in a private room that can be locked by any staff member. Teach children about the danger signs of abuse and how to protect themselves. Give strategies for resisting uncomfortable situations. Teach children how to say “no.” Warn children about strangers. Teach children how to report abuse. Child Care Today, Chapter 7: Preventing Abuse and Neglect

Protecting Staff Chapter 7: Preventing Abuse and Neglect Early childhood staff members can help protect themselves from false accusations. Always supervise children with another adult present. Be aware and respectful of a child’s personal boundaries. Encourage parents to drop in and to observe program activities in action. Any accusations of abuse should be documented and immediately reported to a supervisor. Child Care Today, Chapter 7: Preventing Abuse and Neglect