2010-2011 AMAOs Scott W. Beaudry Testing Policy and Operations NC Department of Public Instruction
Today’s topics AMAO Outcomes Other reports Questions Definitions Timeline Tidbits Other reports Watchlist Title III Improvement Untested Questions
AMAO Outcomes - Definitions AMAO 1 (Progress) Definition: one or more of the following in terms of the overall composite proficiency score on the annual English language proficiency test: 1) increase to the next English language proficiency level; 2) increase the previous score by 0.5; or 3) reach the Comprehensive Objective Composite (COC). 2010-2011 target: 55.1% Changes since last year: redefined
AMAO Outcomes - Definitions AMAO 2 (Proficiency) Definition: meet the Comprehensive Objective Composite (COC) by reaching an overall composite score of 4.8 or above, with at least a 4.0 on the reading subtest and at least a 4.0 on the writing subtest on the state’s annual English language proficiency test for kindergarten and Tiers B or C in grades 1-12 2010-2011 target:12.4% Changes since last year: none (year 2)
AMAO Outcomes - Definitions AMAO 3 (AYP) Definition: Status on AMAO 3 is based on the performance of the LEP subgroup (using the same decision rules used for AYP at the LEA level for Title I ) on four sub-targets (two subject areas at two grade spans). Performance on each subtarget is shown by functioning on two goals: Proficiency and 95% Participation 2010-2011 target: All subject/grade span/goal combinations “met” Changes since last year: none Changes since last year: none (AYP targets increased last year)….so safe harbors went away for many LEAs
AMAO Outcomes - Timeline Preliminary AMAO Outcomes Report sent to LEP Coordinators yesterday (9/14/2011) LEAs have until 9/30 to review (2.5 weeks) Final AMAO Outcomes Report presented to November SBE meeting
AMAO Outcomes - Tidbits Tidbits (preliminary) There were 90 Title III sub grantees 105,507 K-13 students enrolled during testing 3,549 (3.4%) of those students do not have test results (aka they are untested).
AMAO Outcomes - Tidbits 37 LEAs did not meet AMAO 1 6 LEAs did not meet AMAO 2 55 LEAs did not meet AMAO 3 66 LEAs did not meet the AMAOs* *29 of these did not meet AMAO 3 only. 29 missed AMAO 3 only 25 missed AMAO 1 and AMAO 3 6 missed AMAO 1 only 7 missed some other combination (1 &2 or 2 &3)
Other Reports Title III Watchlist Derived from the AMAO Outcomes report. Only includes LEAs who met the AMAOs in the previous year, but did not meet the AMAOs this year. A preliminary Watchlist will be sent out this week. Alleghany County Schools 030 070 Beaufort County Schools 180 Catawba County Schools 181 Hickory City Schools 240 Columbus County Schools 290 Davidson County Schools 350 Franklin County Schools 470 Hoke County Schools 510 Johnston County Schools 540 Lenoir County Public Schools 590 McDowell County Schools 610 Mitchell County Schools 630 Moore County Schools 640 Nash-Rocky Mount Schools 670 Onslow County Schools 730 Person County Schools 760 Randolph County Schools 761 Asheboro City Schools 790 Rockingham County Schools 800 Rowan-Salisbury Schools 810 Rutherford County Schools 840 Stanly County Schools 850 Stokes County Schools 861 Elkin City Schools 98A Sallie B Howard School 990 Yadkin County Schools
Other Reports cont’d Title III Improvement Derived from the AMAO Outcomes report Includes LEAs who did not meet the AMAOs for 2 or more years Is presented to the SBE
Other Reports cont’d ACCESS Untested A count of students enrolled during the testing window who do not have ACCESS test scores; presented by LEA LEP staff factor these results into a risk-based analysis for monitoring LEP staff contact LEAs with unacceptably high percentages
Questions? Scott W. Beaudry scott.beaudry@dpi.nc.gov