The Story of Abraham & Moses
The Jews believe that they can trace their roots back to one man – Abraham He lived nearly 4,000 years ago, in the country now known as Iraq.
Most people at the time worshipped many gods, this was known as ………….
However, Abraham came to believe that there was just one true god. He taught his family to only worship Him.
When Abraham got old, God told him to leave his land and travel to a new country. God promised that He would give Abraham this land, and that his descendants would become a great nation.
In return, Abraham and his family would only worship Him.
Abraham trusted the voice of God, so he set off with his wife towards Canaan. His nephew’s family went too. The whole family settled, and became known as Hebrews
Sarai, Abraham’s “gf”, then had a baby. They were amazed Sarai, Abraham’s “gf”, then had a baby! They were amazed! They named the son Isaac. Sarai then became known as Sarah.
Abraham thought it was his duty to sacrifice his firstborn son, as was the custom at the time. But, just as Abraham was about to….
……..God sent an angel to stop him. Abraham sacrificed a ram instead.
Long after Abrahams death, the Hebrews moved to Egypt Long after Abrahams death, the Hebrews moved to Egypt. At first, all was well…but eventually the Egyptians used them as slaves to construct great cities.
Hebrews at this time, were now known as Israelites after one of their ancestors (Israel). Their great leader was known as Moses.
Freedom! Moses asked for the slaves to be set free! But the Pharoah refused; slaves were very, very useful. At last, it is said that God sent 10 horrible plagues until the Pharoah finally let the slaves free!
They escaped into the desert for 40 years. This was known as the Exodus. Moses died during this time, and a man named Joshua led them back to the land that God had promised them.
After thought… Many nations have claimed their roots in more glorious upbringings. The fact that Jews say they came from slaves in Egypt suggests that there is some truth behind the story. The events of the Exodus have been told and retold down generations, as THE event that started the Jewish faith.