Sask Careers Web System Overview by Vanessa Lewis August 25, 2015
Topics to Explore Welcome What is Sask Careers Web System? Showcasing Highlights and Features What is the connection to the 2014-2020 Outcome Plan on Graduation Rate? What does this mean for our Sun West School Division? What are our students saying about Sask Careers? Are there any resources to help me navigate the site? Let’s have fun exploring the site… Q and A
Welcome 3, 2, 1 Introductions 3 things we should know about you -name -school -teaching assignment 2 hobbies 1 dream job Make connection to Sask Careers and Career Development Helping students with questions like Who Am I and Who Do I Want To Be?
What is the Sask Careers Web System? Partnership between Saskatoon Industry Education Council and various Ministries to support career development… The Saskatoon Industry Education Council in partnership with school divisions, community based organizations, post-secondary institutions, First Nations and Metis communities, industry associations, Chambers of Commerce and provincial government ministries has launched an extremely exciting new free website for all things related to career development for people of all ages. The website is called There are exciting opportunities on this web system for high school students (Grades 10-12 especially) to create an account and track credits, take interest/skill based inventories, explore and compare different careers, explore post-secondary opportunities in our province, and access employer information in our area. One-stop shop for all things career development.
Showcasing Highlights/Features of Site Take some time to navigate the site on the overhead (Basic Orientation) Know Yourself Discover Career Paths Explore Education and Training Connect with Employers Talk about login features and benefits of doing so as Educators (Use work email) and Students (students use email they use regularly and Student Number)
What is Connection to 2014-2020 Outcome Plan: Graduation Rate? SaskCareers and its tie to the Grade 9 Career Education curriculum will have a positive impact on many of the deliverables highlighted in the Graduation Rate Outcome Plan. The Provincial Education Advisory Committee have been working with the Saskatoon Industry-Education Council and their development team in piloting various aspects of SaskCareers portal. The following documents will outline the connection to the following 2014-2020 outcome plan in the following areas:
What does this mean for our Sun West School Division? Based on the Outcome Plan: Graduation Rate, we will have to consider how to support students as they build their Transition Plan beginning in Grade 9. The Development of a Transition Plan is very important as the transition students make from high school to post-secondary education or work is the first of many they will make throughout their lives. Introducing students to the skills and attitudes they need to manage the high school to post-secondary transition will help them handle the other career transitions they will subsequently face. As educators, counsellors, and parents, we can support effective career and education planning by helping our students to: Translate their strengths, skills, and interests into possible career options. Explore the range of post-secondary options including university, college, apprenticeship, and workplace opportunities. Make plans but keep options open. Understand the costs involved and the resources available to help pay for post-secondary education. A logical starting place is Grade 9 Career Education Career Development in the Classroom Current career development practice recognizes that: - Work life is connected to the rest of life Life events continue to affect an individual’s career path Career transitions continue throughout life Career and education planning is an ongoing and cyclical process. Sask Careers can be used as a tool to support the Grade 9 Transition Plan and A3 Outcome Plan.
What does this mean for our Sun West School Division? Outcome Plan: Graduation Rate connects to Grade 9 Career Education Curriculum Career Development in the Classroom Current career development practice recognizes that: - Work life is connected to the rest of life Life events continue to affect an individual’s career path Career transitions continue throughout life Career and education planning is an ongoing and cyclical process.
Career Development in the Classroom Current career development practice recognizes that: - Work life is connected to the rest of life Life events continue to affect an individual’s career path Career transitions continue throughout life Career and education planning is an ongoing and cyclical process.
Know Yourself: Career Inventories – are tools that are designed to help individuals understand how a variety of personal attributes (ie. Interest, values, preference, motivations, aptitudes, skills) impact their potential success and satisfaction with ifferent career options and work environments. They help individuals make more informed career decisions. SaskCareers has currently piloted three assessments and this phase of development hopes to include additional assessments to assist young people in their career development journey. Discover Career Paths – Developed 16 industry sectors that represent the Saskatchewan Labour market landscape. Occupational information – includes overview, About the Job, How to get there, and learn more. Explore Education and Training… Connect with Employers – Abiilty to find employers in a particular are including number of employees, location of offices around the province, experiential learning opportunities and occupations in their company. Along with that we will provide the ability to connect youth to work with functions including resume, cover letter, interviews, connecting to the young worker readiness certificate program, etc.
Connection to Grade 9 Career Education
Connection to Grade 9 Career Education We are yet to determine just what this plan will look like in our Sun West School Division, but through support of: Career Development LEAD Teachers piloted Sask Careers Web System last school year. We can draw on learnings as we plan for future. Career Development LEAD Teachers and Career Education 9 Teachers – together, we will accomplish our goals. We have Career Counsellor supports for Grade 10, 11, and 12 students to help revisit and continue the plan moving forward. We are in this together! Stay tuned!!
What are our students saying about Sask Careers? Do you think you would find this website useful now or in the future? How do you think you would use this site? I think I could use it better now, because it can help find out what classes I want and need to take to get a job. I think it would be useful in the future to find programs I want to get into. It can keep me updated on how job prospects and average wages are. I’ll probably use it in the future for classes that I’ll need to take or careers I’m interested in. (2) Both. It would help me decide what I want to do after high school and in the future to find jobs that I would be good at. No, I wouldn’t use it in the future. In the future I would use it to find a career to make lots of money. I would use it to help select my courses each year in Grades 10 through 12. I used it now and it is useful and I like it. I think I will use it in the future to find the job that is right for me. It is useful because I can learn about a career. (2) It is useful for various assignments and also for figuring out what I really want to do. I think I’ll use it in the future to help search careers, compare and learn what classes I want to take while going through high school. I can learn about what I want to do when I grow up. I don’t know. It’s the only place I know about to find info. (2) Yes, to find career information. (4) Yes, I’ll probably use this website lots throughout high school and probably after too.
Are there resources to help navigate the site and/or support transitions planning? To be added to the Site Overview Resource Manual (how to navigate the site) A3 Transition Plan Document Lesson Plans to support Career Education 9 Sask Careers User Guide: For Students Sask Careers User Guide: For Educators Sask Careers User Guide: For Secure Messaging Sask Careers User Guide: For Administrators
Fun Exploring the Site Guided Journey Navigate your own way Complete the provided activity! Go your own way!
Q and A
Sask Careers… Coming soon… Students will benefit from "Know Yourself" inventories as well as by searching and comparing occupations of interest. Students can also create an online portfolio through this site, download certificates completed (Young Workers Readiness, Food Safe, WHMIS, etc.), set educational and career goals for themselves, highlight their interests and abilities, and download samples of their work. Students have the option of sharing his/her portfolio with potential employers so this is an extremely valuable tool. In order to create an account as a high school student, students will need their student ID number, which can be found on Power School. Soon to be added: Resume and Cover Letter Builder Integration of course management system….Power School This website will change and evolve as time goes on. Please be sure to visit often. This is an amazing career-focused resource for the youth of our province. It will be incorporated into Career Ed 9 this school year, but all teachers/students/parents are welcome to access the site.
Thank you!