What is E-Waste E-waste means waste electrical and electronic equipment, whole or part or rejects from their manufacturing and repair process, which are intended to be discarded.
Notification from Ministry of Environment on e-waste Management Download full draft : The Notification of e-waste rules has already come into force w.e.f. May 1 st 2012 Delivery or Handing over of e-waste to any unauthorized agency is a criminal offence under EPA 1986
Responsibilities of consumer or bulk consumer Consumers or Bulk consumers of electronic equipment listed in Schedule 1 Shall ensure that e-waste generated by them is channelized to authorized collection center(s) or registered dismantler(s) or recycler(s) or take back services by the producers; and Bulk customer shall maintain records of e-waste generated by them in Form 2 and make such records available for scrutiny by the State Pollution Control or the Pollution Control Committee concerned. Download full draft :
Rules are applicable to: consumer BULK CONSUMER ORIGINAL MANIFACTURER Consumer means any person using electrical or electronic equipment excluding the bulk consumers. Consumer : Company which is manufacturing the products mentioned in Schedule 1 & 2 of E-waste Rules. Bulk consumer : Original Manufacturer : Bulk Consumer Means bulk users of electrical or electronic equipment such banks MNCs, private companies etc.
Who can collect E-Waste : COLLECTION CENTER SEGREGATORRECYCLER COLLECTION CENTER : Collection Center means a center established, individually or jointly or a registered society or a designated agency or a company or an association to collect E-waste. Dismantler : Dismantler means any person or registered society or a designated agency or a company or an association engaged in dismantling of used electrical and electronic equipment into their components. RECYCLER : Recycler means any person who is engaged in recycling or reprocessing of used electrical and electronic equipment or assemblies or their component.
DOCUMENTIONS FOR E-WASTE COLLECTOR Manifest/form 13 Entry in Pass book by collector Record Keeping in form 2 by Occupier.
Items covered under e-waste [Covered under MOEF* notification S.O.1035(E) rules –Schedule 1] IT and telecommunication equipment: Centralized data processing: Mainframes, Minicomputers Personal computing: Personal Computers (CPU with input and output devices) Laptop (CPU with input and output devices) Notebook, Notepad etc., Printers including cartridges Copying equipment Electrical and electronic typewriters Pocket and desk calculators And other products and equipment for the collection, storage, processing, presentation or communication of information by electronic means User terminals and systems Facsimile Telex Telephones Pay telephones Cordless telephones Cellular telephones Answering systems And other products or equipment of transmitting sound, images or other information by telecommunications Consumer electrical and electronics: Television sets (including LCD & LED), Refrigerator, Washing Machine, Air-conditioners.
Restricted by copyright: Not for further distribution Form 2 for Record Keeping
What is Passbook
Process Flow Chart Agreement between Recycler and Occupier E-Waste Lifting Request Pickup Schedule Issue of Manifest with seal & sign during lifting of e-waste Records to be maintained in Form 2 by Occupier Recycler Shall issue Recycling Certificate 1.Manifest have to be in 6 Copies 2.One copy of manifest should be retained by occupier 3.And one copy of manifest should be sent to Local Pollution Control Board
What can we Recover from E-waste What are the Products, By Products & Hazardous waste. Some Part of E-waste is Refurbish-able & Re-useable. After Segregation of E-waste Following materials are recovered. Some Part of E-waste is Refurbish-able & Re-useable. After Segregation of E-waste Following materials are recovered. Plastic Glass Ferrous & Non Ferrous Metals Cables. Plastic Glass Ferrous & Non Ferrous Metals Cables. The Above by Products are being sold to Authorized Recyclers Types of Waste: Hazardous Waste PCB & Mother Board. Types of Waste: Hazardous Waste PCB & Mother Board.
About Deshwal E-Waste Recycler Deshwal E-Waste Recycler has 8 years of diversified and rich IT Experience. Recently ventured into e-waste management. Established in 2011, Facility at Khushkhera, Rajasthan Authorised by Rajasthan State Pollutions Control Board. Member of U.C.C.I, Udaipur for Hazardous Waste disposal. PAN India collection facility Recycling process approved by State Pollution Control Board Established in 2011, Facility at Khushkhera, Rajasthan Authorised by Rajasthan State Pollutions Control Board. Member of U.C.C.I, Udaipur for Hazardous Waste disposal. PAN India collection facility Recycling process approved by State Pollution Control Board For More Information Logon to: wasterecycler.comwww.e- wasterecycler.com
For More Information Logon to: wasterecycler.comwww.e- wasterecycler.com