Why Should I Read My Textbook? Answers from faculty Biology/Sciences- Martha Brown English- Kay Driver Mathematics- Annita Davis Sociology/SOCIal Science- Kendra Murphy
BIOLOGY Why is it important for students to read the assigned material in Biology or other sciences? before class – to become familiar with the vocabulary and important concepts and applications before the lecture after class – to reinforce understanding of concepts and applications discussed in the lecture
What is unique to Biology Reading more emphasis on terminology than in a literature class more need for understanding instructions for procedures in lab than in a non-laboratory class more emphasis on scientific thinking than in a non-science class
What reading strategies work best in Biology? skim chapter for overview – pay attention to introduction and summary read the assignment before the lecture for an introduction to vocabulary and concepts re-read the assignment after the lecture to relate and reinforce concepts and applications use pictures, graphs, tables, etc. to clarify information use second reading to underline and/or highlight selectively
Most Important Strategy- Repeated contact with information
study groups with other students in the class – Besides tutoring, what should I do for reading comprehension in Biology? study groups with other students in the class – compare notes quiz each other Explain concepts to each other use another resource in the “old days” – go to library for another text today – Google it keep vocabulary list of new terms
English Why is it important for students to read the assigned material in ENGL 1010 or 1020? Textbook reading assignments for 1010 or 1020 may be models for essays or composition activities that the professor has chosen as course requirements. Outside reading assignments, especially those from web sites or databases may be sources for papers. Furthermore, most English instructors give reading quizzes that may or may not be announced.
What is unique to English reading? Students are exposed to a variety of literary genres that require special skills. Fiction and nonfiction must be approached in different ways, and reading poetry is usually more difficult for students. Students also must choose research sources at varying levels of reading difficulty.
What reading strategies work best in English? If the material, such as an article from a library database, has an abstract, the student should read that brief summary first. Textbook material frequently has study questions at the end that may be helpful in giving the reader some indication of the main ideas that he or she can look for while reading. Reading the introduction and then the conclusion before tackling the entire piece will give the reader some clues about the author’s main points or the author’s purpose. Students should realize that they need to read the selection more than once. The purpose of the first reading should be to get a quick overview. Then the student should reread and possibly even read the selection aloud. Marking the text with a highlighter, a pencil, or pens of different colors will help the student stay focused. Writing notes in the margins or creating questions can help the student anticipate what the professor’s quiz questions might be or can give the student ideas to ask about during the class discussion of the assignment. Students should look up difficult vocabulary words rather than stumbling over or skipping over new words.
Most Important Strategies- We all learn to read by reading more. Practice is the key to becoming a good reader as well as a good writer. An individual must take responsibility for reading comprehension and internalize those techniques that work best. No one can learn to be a better reader or develop a love for reading by avoiding reading or seeing reading as a huge or impossible task. Breaking the material down into manageable units and applying those techniques that have worked previously will make a challenging assignment less threatening.
Find websites to help develop schema (background) Build vocabulary Besides tutoring, what should I do for reading comprehension in English? Find websites to help develop schema (background) Build vocabulary Look up historical references, names, and dates in order to fill in the information gaps in setting and background Look for videos, movies, or music from a period Construct a timeline or a chart of the characters in a reading selection, especially for visual learners
Mathematics Why is it important for students to read the assigned material in Math classes? Math is a language which the student must learn in order to succeed. By reading the assigned material, the student will at least recognize the terms when they are presented in class.
What is unique to math reading? Pure Math is not subject to personal interpretation; it is either right or wrong.
What reading strategies work best in math? Before class: Scan the section(s) which will be covered in class, noting any graphs, tables, highlighted segments, including the homework portion. During class: Pay attention, take notes, ask questions. After class: Read your class notes. Read the material in the book for understanding, and take notes including recording definitions, theorems, & examples. Read each sentence as many times as it takes until you understand what the sentence is saying, referring to your class notes as needed. If, after you have read a particular sentence 10 times & still do not understand what it is saying, go back to the beginning of the section. You probably missed a concept which was introduced previously. If you are still confused about said particular sentence, take note of it so that later when you see an example, the information may then make sense. If by the time you have read all of the material, and reread your notes, and you still don’t understand, discuss it with a classmate.
Most Important Strategies If a student develops the habit of reading Math for understanding as outlined above, the student will become more successful in mastering Math. If the reading strategies don’t help, use a campus resource like Math Learning Center DH 143, or the free online tutoring www.memphis.edu/onlinetutoring If this doesn’t help, see your professor during his/her office hours, or email your professor with your question.
Besides tutoring, what should I do for reading comprehension in math? Solutions manuals are available for purchase. Professors usually post various supplemental materials on UMdrive, and/or eCourseware. Barron or Schaum paperbacks may help. Some online resources may be found at: http://www.geogebra.org/en/wiki/index.php/English http://mathworld.wolfram.com/ http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/mathematics/
Sociology Why is it important for students to read the assigned material in SOCI 1010 or in social sciences? The instructor will assume that you have read the assigned material and he or she will go beyond that in his or her lecture, applying concepts and giving in-depth commentary that is not included in the textbook. If you have not done the assigned reading, you will likely be quite lost in the classroom. You should read the assignment, go to class and take notes, and then re-read the assignment to have a true depth of understanding of the topic. This is particularly important when studying sociological theories.
What is unique about Sociology reading? Sociology is about seeing the relationships between social phenomena with a focus on critical thinking skills. In Sociology, we focus on developing what C. Wright Mills terms “the sociological imagination” or the ability to see the effects of larger social processes on the individual.
What reading strategies work best in Sociology? Refrain from simply memorizing terms and their word-for-word definitions Ask yourself “How can I apply this concept to a real-world situation?” Construct a concept map that visually represents how the different ideas are interrelated
Most Important Strategies Think of ways to apply concepts to develop a more well-rounded understanding of social processes and structures Concept maps show how those concepts are all happening at once and how one single situation can be viewed through many different concepts and theories
Besides tutoring, what should I do for reading comprehension in Sociology? Talk to the instructor Don’t be intimidated or worried that you will bother a professor by asking questions Take advantage of office hours and also meet outside of them because professors WANT students to learn and to contact us when they are struggling. One-on-one interaction with the instructor allows students to ask questions and to clear up ideas