From Admission to Graduation Lifecycle of a Student From Admission to Graduation
Inara Lysne Business Analyst, Senior Speaker Inara Lysne Business Analyst, Senior
UAccess Student Modules AA – Academic Advising AD – Admissions CC – Campus Community FA – Financial Aid GC – Graduate and Professional Colleges SF – Student Financials SR – Student Records TC – Transfer Credit
UAccess Student Team 13 Business Analysts 5 In-House Developers 3 Consultant Developers
Our Example Student Undergraduate Domestic Freshman Main Campus Pre-Journalism Unable to cover every population and scenario
Applying for Admissions
UA Application Summary
Education History
Education History
Education History
Education History
Test Scores
Application Data
Application Data
Application Data
Application Data
Application Data
Application Data
Application Data
Next Steps Center
Next Steps Center
Financial Aid Focus Scholarships Loans Institutional Federal
Financial Aid Lifecycle
Financial Aid Lifecycle
Admissions Data Merit Aid Residency
Budgeting & Packaging FAFSA: Free Application for Federal Student Aid COA: Cost of Attendance Need based and merit awards
Verification Verify student data If issues Hold disbursements Create checklists
Student Records Data Financial Aid Load Units Career, Program, Plan
Authorization & Disbursements Checklists Minimum units Residency Bursars account
Becky Ezzo Business Analyst, Senior Speaker Becky Ezzo Business Analyst, Senior
UAccess Student
UAccess Student
What Do We Do? Communication Collaboration Integrity Customer Focus Accountability Communication
Stakeholders Office of the Registrar Registration and Transcripts Room and Course Scheduling Office of Curricular Affairs Academic Departments and Faculty
No More Paper! Registration and Transcripts Students submit GRO’s online!
Lessor Known Statistics UAccess Student: Over 20,000 pages 10,000 components 683 menu items Student Records: Over 160 Customizations
Career/Program/Plan (CPP)
Academic Plan/Major
Term Activation Students must have an active academic program Creates a Term Record Prior to enrollment for each semester Allows for enrollment appointment processing
Term Activation
Enrollment Appointments for a Continuing Student
Validation Appointment for a Continuing Student
Orientation Enrollment Appointment
Prescheduler Initial schedule for each freshman Before Orientation Session Specific for each college or major
Prescheduler Setup
Prescheduler Setup
Prescheduler Setup
Prescheduler Setup
Prescheduler Summary
Prescheduler Results
Natalie Shue Business Analyst Speaker Natalie Shue Business Analyst
Academic Advising Advisors are there to help students with their academic development throughout their degree progress Most Used Pages: Student Services Center, the Advisement Report, Transfer Credit, Course History, Course Exceptions Advisor-Only UAccess Analytics Dashboards
New & Continuing Students Forward momentum each semester towards graduation
Continuing Students Applications for Federal Financial Aid Academic advisement Enrollment in courses Tuition & fees Federal Aid & Merit Aid packaging & disbursement
Advisement Report The Advisement Report (ADVIP) is the document that tracks the student’s progress towards degree completion Living document that updates each time a change is made
Advisement Report
Course History Tracks all coursework Enrolled, grades earned A quick way to see what the student has completed and enrolled in
Transfer Credit Registrar's Office receives and processes paper transcripts DSA (Document Storage & Archive) scans paper transcripts XML & scanned paper transcripts create a file and the image is stored in OnBase The file is loaded the next day and runs through Search/Match/Post Matched transcripts are loaded into External Education>Courses & Degrees tab Transfer credit models are created/updated Transfer Credit Summary report is available to view Registrar's office articulates transfer coursework Upon Matriculation & Term Activation, models are posted to the student's record
Transfer Credit
Applying for Graduation Requirements: Undergraduate Senior Earned 90 or more units In an eligible degree program
Applied for Graduation Eligible = Can apply but hasn’t Applied = Student submitted; DAW not complete In Review = DAW submitted to Grad Services by Advisor Pending = Grad Services Review Complete
Degree Completion
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