Help me find the threatened Mallee Birds in their habitat. Hello birders! Help me find the threatened Mallee Birds in their habitat.
I can see a small bird with a long tail quickly flitting in the Spinifex grass.
It’s the Mallee Emu-wren!
I can see a lonely bird perched in a dead tree, it is singing like a squeaky gate.
It’s the Western Whipbird!
I can see a large bird scratching around on a pile of leaves on the ground.
It’s a Malleefowl!
I can see a yellow bird in a hollow of a gum tree.
It’s a Regent Parrot!
I can see a family of grey birds with black masks around their eyes, all chattering together.
They are Black-eared Miners!
I can see a bird with a red face patch, hiding in the low bushes.
It’s a Red-lored Whistler!
Thank you for helping me find the threatened Mallee Birds!
Now, can you use your new birding skills to make one of us?