About Dallas County 14 towns + suburban corridor 84,516 residents 5th fastest growing County in the US (2017) Waukee expected to reach 70,000 people by 2040 Dallas County is among the fastest growing counties in the United States, and ranks as among the wealthiest in Iowa. There is a perception that “need” does not exist here. In reality, nearly 10% of residents do not have access to enough food for an active, healthy life. To put that into perspective, this means that almost half of the population of Waukee is hungry most days. While there is a perception of affluence in the eastern portion of Dallas County, the cost of living in Dallas County is also significantly higher than other central Iowa communities which means families in the middle class also struggle to make ends meet.
Hunger Free Dallas County Mission Increase food security in our communities through collaboration, education, and implementation of responsive strategies intended to address the root causes of hunger Vision Everyone will have access to quality food and resources to meet basic needs >Organized, staffed and supported by Dallas County Board of Health, engagement from pantries, DCPH, UWCI, EGDM >Increase public recognition that 10% of Dallas County residents are hungry >Increase the communications and sharing among the resources already in the county as well as grocery and other food producers >Increase the amount of free food available in the county, identify those “falling through the cracks” overcome obstacles like food deserts, pride and transportation >Have a Strategic Plan
How Did HFDC Get Started? 2014 Community Transformation Grant The food system is the sum of all activities required to make food available to people. In 2014, as a requirement of a Community Transformation Grant, Dallas Co PH completed an assessment of the food system by reviewing quantitative data, convening community stakeholders to present the data and discuss the story behind the data, and set priorities for improving the food environment. The community identified priorities related to increasing access to healthy, fresh food; increasing utilization of community resources/benefit programs; and developing mutually beneficial partnerships with local growers. Health Department’s interest/role……. Outreach food packaging event to raise awareness about hunger in our local community.
Coalition Development Established a formal mission and vision Created a logo Established roles/responsibilities and meeting schedule for leadership team, pantry coordinators, and community Letter to invite food pantries to the first ever pantry meeting. Provided a $100 gift card for their attendance that could be used to purchase food. No board or non-profit status.
HFDC Coalition Dallas County Public Health, United Way of Central Iowa, Eat Greater Des Moines, Dallas County General Assistance, Dallas County Conservation Board, local food pantries, Food Bank of Iowa, ISU Extension & Outreach, New Opportunities, Dallas County Hospital, HIRTA, Homecare Services, Inc., and community members
Early Successes Free, fresh produce stand at the local park School/community gardens “Farm to Food Donation” Tax Credit First ever pantry meeting Healthy corner store project No or low-cost quick wins. Does not require a lot of money – a lot can be accomplished through in-kind contributions of time.
Early Successes Healthy Corner Store Project
Importance of quality of food, not just quantity.
Recent Successes Piloted a Double Up Food Bucks program at a local farmers market Partnered with Food Bank of Iowa to launch mobile pantries in 6 communities and added 3 school-based pantries. Conducted surveys and focus groups to identify barriers to accessing food and educate city stakeholders on food insecurity Implemented shared pantry data system (NIFCAP) Launched a website (www.hungerfreedallascounty.org) Established an “Endow Iowa Fund” with the Dallas County Foundation to provide financial support AIGA design assign challenge for website. UWCI Grant – specific to fresh fruits and vegetables (senior produce box, mobile produce stands, leveraging pantry purchasing power for fresh food options via bulk ordering).
www.hungerfreedallascounty.org Website Screen shots
Data collection Shared pantry data system Understanding utilization patterns Where and how often are people accessing food? Why? Identifying opportunities for improving access Expanding pantry borders/hours, etc. Advocacy efforts City council, legislators, other elected officials People don’t always use the pantry where they live – this is due to a variety of reasons…. Better understanding of the need/numbers served via the pantry system and potential gaps (when compared to free/reduced lunch rates and other food insecurity data).
Keys to Success Integrator Organization Strategic Planning Meeting facilitation, minutes, progress reporting, marketing, website administration, grant writing* Strategic Planning Shared Responsibility/Ownership Committees vs. large group meetings DCPH has fulfilled the role as integrator organization through other funding streams that have mutual goals (SIM, IDPH CHNA HIP Unmet Needs Grant, LPHS, etc) Small, project-specific grants to benefit HFDC, but also increased recognition to garner investments directly for pantries.
Questions? Jennifer Walters (515) 993-3750 Jennifer.walters@dallascountyiowa.gov