Introduction to A Separate Peace By John Knowles
A Separate Peace Today’s presentation Author Setting Plot Characters Literary Elements
About the Author John Knowles Born in West Virginia on September 16, 1926 Knowles was educated at Phillips Exeter Academy, which served as a model for the setting of A Separate Peace. A Separate Peace was Knowles’ first work, which earned him the Rosenthal Award of the National Institute of Arts and Letters. This established Knowles as a successful author.
Phillips Exeter Academy Devon School, the setting of A Separate Peace, is based heavily on the Phillips Exeter Academy.
Phillips Exeter Academy
Historical Context World War II Began in 1939 when the Germans invaded Poland, and officially ended in August 1945, when the Japanese surrendered. A Separate Peace takes place during the summer of 1942, directly in the center of World War II. In America: In order to cope with the war, America instituted rations on books, sugar, coffee, and other goods. To conserve gasoline, a national 35 MPH speed limit was implemented, and driving for pleasure was banned. Most young women either dated older men, or didn’t date at all! By the summer of 1942, many Americans realized that the war was far from over.
Plot Overview Story is told as a flashback to 15 years ago from Gene Forrester’s perspective Gene was a quiet, intellectual student at the Devon School in New Hampshire. During the summer session of 1942, Gene becomes close friends with Finny, his daredevil roommate Finny prods Gene into making a dangerous jump out of a tree into a river, and the two start a secret society based on this ritual. Gene becomes jealous of Finny’s athletic accomplishments and convinces himself that Finny is trying to distract Gene from achieving academically. While Gene’s jealously turns into hate, he carefully maintains a relationship with him.
A Separate Peace Characters Gene Forrester Finny Elwin “Leper” Lepellier Brinker Hadley Cliff Quackenbush Chet Douglass Mr. Ludsbury Dr. Stanpole Mr. Patch-Withers
Gene Forester Unreliable Narrator/protagonist Gene is in his early thirties, visiting the Devon School for the first time in years. Flashbacks to a story of his childhood from the vantage point of adulthood. Has love-hate relationship with his best friend Finny Gene is also often jealous of Finny because he is good at everything and so carefree
Finny Honest, handsome, energetic, self-confident, best athlete in the school Extremely likable – able to talk his way out of any situation Gene describes Finny like that of a Greek hero (always excelling physically, always spirited.) Finny loves the thrill of competition and does not care about winning/losing Always thinks the best of people, counts no one as his enemy, and assumes that the world is a fundamentally friendly place.
Ellwin Leper Lepellier Quiet, peaceful, nature-loving boy Shocks his classmates by being 1st in Devon to enlist in the army Leper has hallucinations that reflect the fears and angst of adolescence He fears transformation of boys into men—and, in wartime, of boys into soldiers, which causes anxiety and inner turmoil.
Brinker Hadley Cliff Quakenbush Manager of the crew team Boys at Devon have never liked Quackenbush frequently takes out his frustrations on anyone whom he considers his inferior straight-laced and conservative. complete confidence in his own abilities believes in justice and order and goes to great lengths to discover the truth when he feels that it is being hidden from him.
Chet Douglass Mr. Ludsbury Gene’s main rival for the position of class valedictorian excellent tennis and trumpet player and possesses a sincere love of learning. The master in charge of Gene’s dormitory Stern disciplinarian Dr. Stanpole Mr. Patch-Withers Devon’s resident doctor Caring man who laments the troubles that afflict the youth of Gene’s generation. Operates on Finny The substitute headmaster of Devon during the summer session. Runs the school with a lenient hand
Literary Context A Separate Peace belongs to a genre of literature called Bildungsroman. This is a German term which describes a novel whose main character matures over time, usually from childhood. The journey from innocence to experience. “Coming of age” story Similar to Lord of the Flies, A Separate Peace deals with children coming to terms with their identity set against the backdrop of World War.
Main Themes Friendship Conformity Illusion vs Reality -main issues and ideas; questions posed by the actions of characters; concerns raised in our minds as we read Friendship Conformity Illusion vs Reality Youth (challenges of growing up)
Chapter 1 High school years Quick growth and self-discovery Forging and breaking friendships Proving self to others- classroom/field want to be individuals while belonging in a group Narrator (1st person point of view) Gene Forrester, adult Devon School, New Hampshire Gene struggling Suspense “long white marble flight of stairs”- 1st destination Tree- 2nd destination Foreshadowing Summer of 1942 15 years earlier- flashback WWII 16 yrs old
Chapter 2 War is not realistic- studies are more important Finny Pink shirt- celebrate bombing of central Europe Devon tie for a belt (27) “no harm in envying even your best friend a little” (25) Finny Manipulates their tardiness; gets away w/ things Boys of 16 “sign of life the war was being fought to preserve” (24) Makes Gene jealous Inner awareness that Finny is growing up makes him fight harder to keep from growing up Saves Gene from falling Super Suicide Society of the Summer Session - Successful jump together
Chapter 3 Finny SSSSS (Super Suicide Society of the Summer Session) Thrives being “on the edge” Wants to pull Gene in Makes rules about everything blitzball SSSSS (Super Suicide Society of the Summer Session) Created for tree jumping Gene jumps to not “lose face” w/ Finny
Chapter 3 Swimming record- A. Hopkins Parker Beach Dominates water- not even the elements are exempt from Finny’s superiority Frustration for Gene Finny does not want to tell anyone Beach “best pal” awkward moment The truth won’t let Gene respond Gene resents his Finny jealousy
Chapter 4 Foreshadowing and Imagery Trigonometry test Dead, gray Allusion= reference Biblical allusion Garden of Eden Lazarus Trigonometry test Gene believes Finny tricked him so he can’t be “even” w/ him Gene decides they are rivals Does Finny feel this way? “I’d kill myself out of jealous envy.” (52) Adult narrator realizes mistake
Chapter 4 The tree Leper decides to jump Finny lying? Gene – paranoid of sabotage If Gene watches, he can’t study Finny doesn’t realize Gene needs to study Gene realizes Finny is true friend (59) “I was not of the same quality as he.” Can’t handle this truth = Finny is a better person than Gene Finny wants to jump “Side by side” – equals Gene jounces limb Finny falls Before Gene jumps, he is free from the fear and jealousy of Finny
Characterization -the creation of believable fictitious personalities Methods Explicit statement by author Character’s appearance Aspects of setting which reflect influence of the character Character’s actions, including mannerisms Character’s thoughts What the character says What others say about the character
Contrast the summer and winter sessions? Peace Freedom Joy Teachers more lenient War Reminders of war Senior year Harsher values emerge Sterner regimen
Why assistant crew manager? Sports are finished for Gene b/c Finny can no longer play A form of penance; punishment for his sin
27. What is the significance of Devon’s two rivers? Reflects dual nature of humanity Peace vs war Devon river Gentle, pure stream, boy’s playground Peaceful summer Isolated & protected from outside world (war) Naguamsett Dirty, unpleasant Winter Flows into ocean- ties it to the world (war)
28. What is the “separate peace” that Finny has established? Winter carnival Military term- withdrawal of one group of combatants, even though the war continues “Fleeting moment of illusion in an overwhelming reality” p.137 End of ch.9
Leper’s change of heart toward war? Recruitment film Leper- deceived by an illusion Perfect, white version Film does not show the reality of war Unable to confront reality
Chapter 5 After fall Gene is Dr. Stanpole- “sports are finished” Gene Numb- loses touch with feelings Withdraws- Spends time alone Wears Finny’s clothes Tries to be Finny Dr. Stanpole- “sports are finished” Leg broken in several places- never normal Gene Fights guilt Visits Finny at hospital- wants to confess Doctor interrupts
Ch. 5 Finny says “I just fell” p. 65 Fall- Senior year In hospital Doesn’t want to accuse Gene Apologizes for “having a feeling” p.66 Fall- Senior year Gene makes detour to Finny’s house Again attempts to confess “I jounced the limb, I caused it.” Finny’s house Gene hurts Finny w/ confession- plants seed of doubt
Chapter 6 Return to Devon- mixed emotion New ideas, friendships, teachers Seniors – military School is painful w/out Finny Second phase of novel- other boys become important Crew house job – assistant crew manager Gene’s way of doing penance Not violating Finny’s sacred position as ultimate athlete Escape the atmosphere of competition Quakenbush Calls Gene “maimed” Causes Gene to think of Finny guilt
Ch. 6 Rivers: Naguamsett & Devon Mr. Ludsbury Symbolism p.76 Mr. Ludsbury Teacher in charge of dorms Reprimanded for sloppiness, gambling Long distance call from Finny Make sure there is no roommate Everything OK? “If I can’t play sports, then you’re going to play them for me.” p. 85 Tree- Fall of Man
Chapter 7 Brinker is jealous of Gene Butt room Room meant for 2 Butt room Brinker announces that Gene committed fratricide (half-joking) Game- crime/murder Contrasts later “real” trial Winter & war dull the memory of Finny & summer 200 boys shovel snow from RR yards to aid war effort
Chapter 7 Leper goes cross country skiing Looking for beaver dams; enjoys nature Reminds reader – there doesn’t always have to be a direct purpose to our actions. Some things we do just to enjoy them Troop trains filled with boys Devon boys think seriously about enlisting Gene and Brinker decide to join Make a break w/ childhood Run from Finny “The war would be deadly alright, but I was used to finding something deadly in things that attracted me.” Finny in room!
Chapter 8 Gene changes mind about joining army Gene is more conscious of Finny’s disability than Finny Accident seems to have brought boys closer Finny’s stride has changed, but his instinct of disrupting routines has not Go to gym- skip class Finny coaches Gene for 1944 Olympics illusion They nurture each other Tutoring- academics, athletics “Because I’ve suffered” p.116 We see the real Finny
Chapter 8 "What makes you so special? Why should you get it and all the rest of us be in the dark?" The momentum of the argument abruptly broke from his control. His face froze. "Because I've suffered," he burst out. This questions the notion of Gene growing older and wiser while Finny remains left behind in a world of youth. It reminds us that, in some ways, Finny has learned lessons that Gene has not. Theme of Youth
Chapter 9 Leper- first to enlist in war Recruitment film- “cleanest image of war I had ever seen” p124 Color imagery, symbolism - white Finny in all-out campaign to deny war illusion Winter Carnival Brinker depressed about war Jugs of hard cider Tables with prizes (Betty Grable photos, stolen $$) Play was liberation- “escape from the encroachments of 1943” A separate peace from reality Peace interrupted by reality- telegram from Leper