Evaluation of BASINS/HSPF Runoff Predictions from Craypan Agricultural Watershed Term Project Presentation CEE6440 GIS in Water Resources Seungbin Hong 12/03/2002
BASINS BASINS is a multipurpose environmental analysis system for use by regional, state, and local agencies in performing watershed and water-quality based studies. Integrates GIS ARC View Extensive Database for the entire US Water Quality Models Tools
Components of BASINS Nationally derived databases with Data Extraction tools and Project Builders Assessment Tools (TARGET, ASSESS, and Data Mining) that address large and small-scale characterization needs BASINS Utilities including watershed Delineation, import, Landuse reclassification, DEM reclassification Watershed Characterization Reports Non-Point Source Model (NPSM) and Water Quality Model (QUAL2E) Target – used to perform broad-based water quality and/or point source loading data evaluations on the entire extracted project area. Assess tool - allows users to perform water quality and point source discharge assessment on an individual watershed or a group of watersheds. Data Mining - builds dynamic links between the map interface and related data tables to allow users to retrieve and visualize (1) water quality stations and parameter data, (2) permitted facility locations and pollutant loading discharge data, and (3) bacteria stations and corresponding parameter values. Land Use Reclassification – used to group detailed land use classes, based on their code and descriptions, into broad categories. This tool can modify the existing land use theme(s) or create new themes with different classifications to reflect alternative scenarios. BASINS 2.0 provides users the capability to generate six different types of watershed characterization reports; 1) Point Source Inventory Report 2) Water Quality Summary Report 3) Toxic Air Emission Report 4) Landuse Distribution Report 5) State Soil Characteristics Report 6) Watershed Topographic Report
Non Point Source Model NPSM (HSPF v11) HSPF is a very complex model. However, it is structurally modular permitting the user to isolate and focus on elements of interest while bypassing other modules and their activities. The model considers a basin or watershed comprising of 2 segments: Land Segment – pervious and Impervious Water body (Streams, lakes, reservoirs) HSPF Modules PERLAND – the module that simulates pervious land segment IMPLAND – the module that simulates impervious land segment RCHRES – the module that routes runoff through reservoir while simulating instream processes NPSM – Non Point Source Model HSPF – Hydrologic Simulation Program - FORTRAN
Hydrology in NPSM Hydrologic Components: Rainfall or Snow Interception Depression Storage Evapotranspiration Infiltration Surface Storage Runoff Interflow Groundwater Flow
Objectives Run BASIN/HSPF modeling program and evaluate runoff predictions using BASINS default parameters Evaluate the sensitivity of key hydrologic parameters Calibrate the model Evaluate the calibrated model
Site Description- Craypan Watershed in Missouri Located within Monroe and Shelby County in North Central Missouri Encompasses 111 sq.mi. (71,204 acres) A tributary of the North Fork of the Salt River, which empties into Mark Twain Lake . The watershed encompasses 111 sq.mi. (71,204 acres) and is a tributary of the North Fork of the Salt River, which empties into Mark Twain Lake just upstream of the intake for the Clarence Cannon Wholesale Water Commission (CCWWC) which provides over 2.3 million gallons per day of drinking water to a 12 county area.
Soil, Landuse, and Topograph
Delineation of the Sub-watershed Crooked Creek based on the RF1 and RF3 reach networks
Parameters and Default value for simulation Data Group Symbol Definition Default Value Minimum Maximum PWAT- PARM2 LZSN Lower zone nominal storage 14.10 0.01 100.0 INFILT Index to the infiltration capacity of the soil 0.16 0.0001 LSUR Length of the assumed overland flow plane 300 1.0 None SLSUR Slope 0.035 0.0000001 10.0 AGWRC Basic groundwater recession rate if KVARY is 0 and there is no inflow to groundwater 0.98 0.001 0.999 PARM3 DEEPFR Fraction of groundwater inflow which will enter deep (inactive) groundwater and be lost 0.10 0.0 BASETP Fraction of potential E-T which can be satisfied from baseflow (groundwater outflow) 0.02 PARM4 UZSN Upper zone nominal storage 1.1280 NSUR Manning’s n for the assumed overland flow plane INTFW Interflow inflow parameter 0.75 IRC Interflow recession parameter 0.5 1.0E-30 LZETP Lower zone E-T parameter. It is an index to the density of deep-rooted vegetation
Steps for performing within the NPSM interface
Steps for performing within the NPSM interface
Runoff by Default values on the simulation The default parameters are largely divided into three categories: Water Balance, Groundwater, and Surface Runoff. Categories Parameters Water Balance LZSN, LZETP, INFILT, DEEPFR Groundwater INFILT, AGWRC, DEEPFR, BASETP Surface Runoff UZSN, INTFLW, IRC, LUSR, NSUR, SLSUR (Unit; mm) PERO* SURO* Base Flow* Measured Value 287.59 244.45 43.14 Predicted Value 298.64 32.14 266.49 Difference % -4% 87% -518% * PERO ; Total outflow SURO ; Surface outflow Base flow ; IFWO (Interflow) + AGWO (Groundwater flow)
Calibration, Sensitivity, & The Best Result on Simulation by the revised Parameter Default Revised Default LZSN INFILT LSUR SLSUR AGWRC DEEPFR BASETP UZSN NSUR INTFW IRC LZETP 14.10 0.16 300 0.035 0.98 0.10 0.02 1.1280 0.75 0.5 0.1 18.5 0.009 0.96 0.08 1.25 0.01 0.65 PERO SURO Base Flow 298.64 32.143 266.50 287.20 243.58 43.62 Sensitive Parameters LZSN, DEEPFR, BASETP, USZN Insensitive Parameters LZETP, IRC PERO SURO Base Flow Measured Value 287.59 244.45 43.14 Revised Value 287.20 243.58 43.62 Difference % 0.14% 0.36% -1.11%
Future Work According to “Crooked Creek Watershed Project”, an atrazine, sediment, and nutrient loading are concerning in this watershed. In the future, when simulating this model, we should consider important environmental parameters.