Defense Automatic Addressing System (DAAS) Fund Code Finance Process Review Committee Meeting Al Coleman DAAS Finance Process Review Committee POC
DAAS Fund Code Edits Signal Codes - designates Ship-to and Bill-to A – Ship-to rp 30-35, Bill-to rp 30-35 B – Ship-to rp 30-35, Bill-to rp 45-50 D – No billing required – free issue * J – Ship-to 45-50, Bill-to rp 30-35 K – Ship-to rp 45-50, Bill-to 45-50 M – No billing required * * Not used to submit GSA Ref: DLM 4000.25-1
DAAS Fund Code Edits (Cont.) Signal Codes C – Ship-to rp 30-35, Bill-to rp 52-53 L – Ship-to rp 45-50, Bill-to rp 52-53 Fund Code – Two-position (rp 52-53) alpha/numeric codes designate billing method (interfund or noninterfund) Signal Codes and Fund Codes validated
TIMELY UPDATES CRUCIAL BECAUSE “GARBAGE IN, GARBAGE OUT” SFIS/SLOA Edits Compare transaction data to SFIS Fund Code to Fund Account Conversion table: if match, proceed as normal if mismatch, reject transaction with “CX” if data missing, add from table if part of data missing, add from table TIMELY UPDATES CRUCIAL BECAUSE “GARBAGE IN, GARBAGE OUT”
DAAS Fund Code Edits (Cont.) Common causes of “CX” rejects Unable identify bill-to/ship-to address designated by Signal Code or Signal Code is invalid A0ASMSS5995016586849 EA00018W582TX8036A300NW90BTDB8ULTPI3203064CX 9A B – Ship-to rp 30-35, Bill-to rp 45-50 -- rp 30-35 (W582TX), rp 45-50 (W90BTD) A – Ship-to rp 30-35, Bill-to rp 30-35 -- rp 30-35 (W582TX) DoDAAC Authority Code 00 – Requisition – No restrictions 01 – Ship-To Only – Not authorized to requisition 02- Finance (Bill-to Only) – Cannot requisition, cannot ship-to 05 – Non-Requisition – Cannot request any goods/services 07 – Administrative – Cannot requisition, ship-to, or bill
Reject Status “CX” 2017 January 1 – December 31, 2017 12,298 year 1,025 month 34 day Improve Warfighter support, minimize/eliminate rejects….
Conversion Table Access Signal Code and Fund Code “do not match” Fund Code to Fund Account Conversion Table; to gain access: Go to Click on Request Login ID and Password Click on accept for Information System Warning Click on accept for the rules of behavior Click on LOGREPORTS Fill in the form and click on submit form
Fund Code Web App Fund Code Web Application Updates FCA - Add, Change, Delete Fund Codes FCB – Add, Change, Delete Billed DoDAAC Both MANDATORY for signal codes C & L Should NEVER have FCB without FCA Submit FCA “change” to reinstate DELETED Fund Codes Process FCB “delete”, MUST process FCA delete
Unique Army Business Rules Army Fund Code Edit – August 1996 Army experiencing a problem with "CX“ status rejects Had over $24M deobligated funds resulting from “CX” of AM/AT Submitting original A0_ transactions that passed fund code edits and were posted various ICPs Subsequently generated AM/AT transactions and changed signal codes resulting in ”CX” Clearing of dues-ins and caused reordering when in fact the original A0_s were still valid and being processed Army requested DAAS edits to alleviate the issue Are the edits relevant?
Unique Army Business Rules (Cont.) Business Routing Rules Service code equal A, C, W; Signal Code equal A, J; Project Code is NOT 3RE, 3RF, 3RG; Fund Code Activity (XXX + A + FUND) is NOT found; DocID begins with AM_, create AE9 with D7, all others send AE9 with CX Service code equal A, C, W; ADDR_SUPP equal A, C, W; Signal Code equal B, K; Fund Code Activity (XXX + A + FUND) is NOT found; Project Code is NOT, 3RF, 3RG; DocID begins with AM_, create AE9 with D7 status DocID is NOT equal to A01, A02, A04, A05, A0A, A0B, A0D, A0E, AM1, AM2, AM4, AM5, AMA, AMB, AMD, AME, AT1, AT2, AT4, AT5, ATA, ATB, ATD, ATE; perform no more rules associated with FUND_CODE_EDIT_ARMY DocID equal AM1, AMA, AT1, ATA; REQNR service code equal W; REQNR is NOT equal W45PVM, W73K83; Fund Code is equal to 0V (zero-victor); Signal Code equal to A; set Signal Code to C The Fund Code Activity is a records that’s created so the transactions will process. If there is an FCA record and not fund code activity, it will CX. This may be a little more than you care to know but the record will be XXXAFG for example. The D7 (1) Requisition modifier rejected because of errors in one or more data elements. (2) Requisition modifier may be rejected due to improper application of the RDD field and/or Priority Designator (PD). Check the original requisition RDD and PD data fields for compatibility with revised input. Resubmit with appropriate data. If contact regarding the D7, we would review the reject and potential and narrow it down after reviewing the original input.
Unique Army Business Rules (Cont.) DocID equal to AM1, AMA, AT1, ATA; REQNR service code equal W; REQNR is NOT equal W45PVM, W73K83; Fund Code is equal to 0V (zero-victor); Signal Code equal to A; set Signal Code to C DocID equal AM1, AMA, AT1, ATA; REQNR has W; REQNR is NOT equal W45PVM, W73K83; Fund Code equal 0V (zero-victor); Signal Code is J; set Signal Code to L Are they relevant Identified concern with Fund Code 7H As you can see the rules can vary with specific DoDAACs and fund codes. In this case 0V does not exist anymore. As stated, these rules have been around since 1996 and it’s time we valid them. I mentioned the fund code activity that has to be created for each fund code, it not there you will receive a CX. About 2 years ago we validated the fund code activities against the actual fund codes. In doing so, there was one for fund code 7H but fund code 7H did not exist, it did not appear on the fund code conversion table. The obvious thins to do is delete the fund code activity. We immediately started receiving e-mails and call about transactions all of sudden not processing after several year. We realized that if the fund code is not on the conversion table, and the activity record is present and it passes edits, the transactions will process. 7H involves Medical supplies so you can imaging the anxiety when those transactions stopped flowing…….
Fund Code 7H Medical Supplies Fund Code Activity Records validated against Fund Code Conversion Table 7H used over 30 years in support of supplying medical supplies "free issue" to storage sites Agreement Army Medical Command and DLA use fund code 7H and signal code A for DLA system to work; allows Army access to DLA funding to replenish DLA-owned inventory managed at Army medical sites Should be using signal codes “D" or “M" for free issue, but don't work in EBS EBS bills units when the items leave storage site I’ll give a little background on fund code 7H…..this was an action item during the last FPRC.
Fund Code 7H Medical Supplies (Cont.) Could possibly work if use Signal Code C so that the systems will use the 3rd party billing which would have a DODAAC to bill Explore why Signal Codes B, C, or L cannot be used to achieve the same result without Army orders citing Signal Code A Undocumented business process where internal process used to not generate any bills Process impedes end-to-end traceability and is an audit concern DLA Troop Support/Army explore solutions to use a compliant process Which is where we are again for a resolution.
Fund Code 7H Medical Supplies (Cont.) LOOKING FOR….. 7H Fund Code proposal Develop logic to accept all 7H transactions Identify selection Criteria Army identify back-end processing solution This is what was discussed during the last PRC and we obviously don’t have a resolution.