The Spread of the Enlightenment Chapter 18.2: Enlightenment Ideas Spread
Enlightenment What do Enlightenment thinkers do?
Challenging New Ideas New ideas challenged the Monarch Divine Right Strict Class System Heavenly reward for Earthly suffering
How the Monarchs Responded Monarch Censored new ideas Banning and burning books Forced writers into writing in “code”
Rise of the Salon Writers, artists, philosophers and other thinkers Only the most witty, intelligent and well-read people were invited Famous for conversation and debate Most famous Salons in Paris
The Enlightened Despots Some Monarchs adored Enlightenment thinkers Helped appease the people Helped educated the people These included Frederick the Great of Prussia Catherine the Great of Russia Joseph II of Hapsburg
Enlightened Despots Joseph II – Most famous Enlightened Ruler Valued Merit over nobility Nicknamed the “Peasant Emperor” Tolerant of Protestants and Jews
Changes in Culture Baroque Music and Painting Mozart Bach Rembrandt Baroque= big, full of excitement matched the grandeur of royal court
Changes in Culture Novels Robinson Crusoe Pamela Targeted a larger group of readers and tried to relate stories to their values
Lives for the Majority Most people’s lives did NOT change Peasants still had to provide FREE labor How to change daily life of the commoner? Revolution