Look at this community What do you see? Where do people live? Where do people play? Where might people work together to solve a problem?
Community A place where people live, work, and play.
Types of Communities Urban Suburban Rural There are 3 types of communities: Urban Suburban Rural
Types of Communities Brainpop Jr.
Urban A community that has many buildings very close together and is crowded with many people.
Suburban A community near a city that has fewer people, houses, and buildings that are farther apart.
Rural A community far away from the city that has few people and a lot of space.
Tell a friend how you know what type of community it is. What kind of community is this? Rural Urban Suburban Tell a friend how you know what type of community it is.
Urban The buildings are very close together and there are a lot of cars and people.
Tell a friend how you know what type of community it is. What kind of community is this? Rural Urban Suburban Tell a friend how you know what type of community it is.
Rural This community has a lot of land around it, you can’t see the city so that means its farther away.
Tell a friend how you know what type of community it is. What kind of community is this? Rural Urban Suburban Tell a friend how you know what type of community it is.
Suburban The houses and buildings in the picture are farther apart than in an urban community.
Goods BrainPop Jr.
1. What kinds of goods are made here. 2 1. What kinds of goods are made here? 2. How do the goods get to the store? 3. What type of community is this?
Something you can use or consume. Good Something you can use or consume. Can you name a good?
Something that someone does for you. Service Something that someone does for you.
Someone who makes and produces something. Producer Someone who makes and produces something.
Which pictures are goods?
Which pictures are goods?
Community helpers can also be called Service Workers Brainpop video
Community service chart
Look at the pictures. Decide whether the community helper: takes care of people/pets gives us ideas fixes things makes things entertains us
Saving & Spending Money Brainpop Jr.
Bank a place where money is kept for saving. Talk to a friend 1 Bank a place where money is kept for saving. Talk to a friend 1. Have you ever saved your money to buy something? 2. Did it take a long time to save? 3. Was it hard to save or difficult?
Needs vs. Wants Needs: Something you can’t live without. Wants: Things you would like to have but can live without.
Look at the pictures, who is being a good shopper?
Which are needs/wants? Explain your answer to a friend.
Although you really want an iPad or tablet, you don’t need it to survive. You need food, water, clothing, and shelter to live. WANT