CARE INTERNATIONAL IN UGANDA Presented by Jane Angom Peace building Specialist (Northern Uganda Empowerment Programme)
Location of Uganda in Africa. CARE 11/7/2018
Map of Uganda showing CARE program locations. 11/7/2018
English (official national language. Uganda is a landlocked country located in the East African Region. It is bordered by Kenya in the East, DRC in the West, Sudan in the North and Tanzania and Rwanda in the South. Population : 33 million Uganda achieved independence on 9th October 1962 from British government. English (official national language. Indeginous languages used for business etc. Currency: Uganda shillings CARE (Main Title from Title Page) 11/7/2018
Introduction CARE has been active in Uganda since 1969 implementing programs and projects ranging from emergency services to economic development and civil society building. Care Uganda Projects are divided into 3 programs; 1. NUWEP (Northern Uganda Women Empowerment Programme in Northern Uganda. Sustainable Livelihoods: The programme is supporting women and men to address chronic hunger through increased production, diversification and access to financial services through Village Savings Loans schemes. Gender Equity: The programme is enhancing women and girls capacity, opportunity and freedom to express themselves and participate in decision making processes. Prevention and Response to SGBV: Supporting community prevention and response to Gender-Based Violence (GBV) through mobilization, awareness raising, sensitization, counseling and strengthening referral networks. CARE 11/7/2018
Advocacy on UNSCR 1325, 1820 and Goma Declaration Social Protection: Psychosocial needs for women affected by armed conflict. Peace building and Conflict resolution Access to clean water and sanitation Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate WENG( Women Empowerment on Natural Resource Governance) Use and management of natural resources especially the forests and area. WAYFIP (Women and Youth Financial Inclusion Programme: Scaling up Village Savings and Loan Association (VSLA) by linking groups to financial institutions and banks. CARE 11/7/2018
. CARE (Main Title from Title Page) 11/7/2018