Warm Up 1/5 On a scale of 1-10, how confident do you feel about your work thus far? Why? Is it an accurate measure of what you know about Hamlet? How so? Does your essay use the best organizational structure possible? How do you know? Does the writing you’ve done represent the best of your ability? If not, what will you do to improve it?
Revision You have today and tomorrow to make this outline as strong as it can possibly be. Remember, it must serve as both an assessment of your learning in this unit (Hamlet comprehension and the application of the psychological theory of your choice), AND as an example of your best writing. Not only do I expect you to employ the changes I suggested for your last essay, but I expect you to understand the importance of organization and critical thinking when it comes to writing. So, your essay must be thorough, competent, and organized thoughtfully in order to get full credit. Let’s look over the rubric before you begin working.
Writing Timeline TIMELINE: December 13: Notes on structure/brainstorming December 14th: Complete essay outline (with rough thesis idea) by midnight on Wednesday. January 3rd : Complete essay outline, improve thesis statement. January 4th: Write rough draft of one developed paragraph January 5th: Revise the outline/paragraph. Be sure that organization is best to serve the essay; complete associated reflective writing. January 6th: Polish your work (perfect both the thesis and the developed body paragraph).
Homework Complete and LOG 5 hours by next Thursday, 1/12. To LOG properly, for each session you work toward completing your project, list out – with as much detail as possible – every task you complete.