Cost of Attendance Costs vary by school type Consider: WHERE you go to school In-state tuition vs. Out-of-state tuition Public school tuition vs. private school tuition WHERE you live On-campus vs. Off-campus vs. At home Books New vs. used
Cost of College College costs vary by the type of school you attend Public four-year colleges and universities Private four-year colleges and universities State community and technical colleges Private career, technical, and vocational schools On-line learning schools
Cost of College Tuition and fees Housing Meals Books and supplies Transportation costs Personal expenses Miscellaneous expenses
Cost of College Factors impacting costs: Housing Food Personal living expenses Transportation Entertainment Child & pet care Unexpected expenses Construct a budget and stick to it!
QUESTIONS 1. Explain the difference between a private and public college. 2. How much will it cost for a car on campus? 3. What type of meal plan will be most affordable? 4. What happens when you get sick? 5. How much will your books cost?