ID# /4/11 Pd: 4
T ABLE OF C ONTENTS Title Page [ 1 ] Table of Contents [ 2 ] Family Picture [ 3 ] House Picture [ 4 ] Satillite Location [ 5 ] Car [ 6 ] College Info. [ 7 ] Career [ 8 ] Incidental Expense [ 9 ] Budget [ 10 ] Feature [ 11 ] Closing Slide [ 12 ]
Me Car Sales Exec. $45,000/year My Spouse Computer System Analyst $52,000/year
4571 Deerfield Drive Penn Hills, PA Mortgage: $489.48/month for 30 yr plan Penn Hills School District Basement/Garage, Attic Large Yard Space
M Y C AR 2005 Ford Explorer $229 / month. 21 mpg Leather Interior Satellite Radio/CD Player $
I Went to Duquesne University, New York University, and Georgia Tech. I obtained a total of 3 degrees in Business Administrating, Health Sciences, and Physical Therapy.
M Y SPOUSE S AND M Y C AREER AND I NCOME I am a Car Sales Executive Financer, and I make 45,000 dollars annually. At my job I sell customers top quality vehicles, and I also finance ALL of the consumers vehicles and parts. My spouse is a Computer Systems Analyst, making 52,000 dollars annually. At her job, she repairs computer systems and software. Also, she diagnoses viruses that run though an internet system.
This summer was a scorcher! So, my family and I decided to get a couple AC units for the house. These Emerson air conditioners cost me $300 each, and I purchased 2 of them.
Column1Column2Column3Column4Column5Column6Column7Column8Column9Column10Column11Column12Column13Column14Column15Column16Column17Column18Column19Column20Column21Column22Column23Column24Column25Column26Column27Column28Column29 MortageFoodCollege LoansCarSavingsElectric BillGas BillCell PhoneCable BillLife InsuranceWaterNew A/C [ June ]TOTAL ExpensesBALANCE Mth. 1 - Jan.$489.48$727.50$109$229$808.30$150 $200$100$33$30n/a$3,026.28$5, Mth. 2 - Feb.$489.48$727.50$109$229$808.30$150 $200$100$33$30n/a$3,026.28$5, Mth. 3 - March$489.48$727.50$109$229$808.30$150 $200$100$33$30n/a$3,026.28$5, Mth. 4 - April$489.48$727.50$109$229$808.30$150 $200$100$33$30n/a$3,026.28$5, Mth. 5 - May$489.48$727.50$109$229$808.30$150 $200$100$33$30n/a$3,026.28$5, Mth. 6 June$489.48$727.50$109$229$808.30$150 $200$100$33$30$600$3,626.28$4,457.02
T HANKS F OR V IEWING Thank you for viewing and reading my power point project. Hope my future life was exciting enough for you! : ]