Ivanov Daniil 7 «A»
Serious ecological problems; Common causes of damage; Recommendations; Conclusion.
Environment; Pollution; The ozone layer; Global warming; Acid rain;
pollution in its many forms: Air; Water; Land; Noise; Nuclear. Acid rain; Ozone layer destruction ; Global warming; Overpopulation; Radioactivity; Depletions of natural resources.
Caused by factories that burn coal, oil or gas; The fish are dying; The Mediterranean is nearly dead; Lake Baikal used to be pure but now is under thread.
Results in: Weather changes: droughts, mild winters, hurricanes; Little or no snow; More people will die in hotter summers; Ski industry will disappear.
С aused by refrigerators, air conditioners, sprayers; Increases the risk of skin с ancer; Weakenst the immune system of people;
Brings unemployment and urban poverty
Governmental level: UNO have set up environmental protection agencies; 100 nations participated in The Australian Ozone Layer Conference; Greenpeace; Use wind and solar energy. Personal level: Not throw bottles, newspapers; Plant more trees; Use special petrol for cars;
Our planet is in danger and our future is at stake. If we want our planet to survive we must make efforts and make thing happen NOW!