Copyright A/C Zincs Inc. C O R R O S I O N G R E N A D E TM The worlds first clamp-on corrosion inhibitor for air conditioning systems INTRODUCING
Copyright A/C Zincs Inc. The Price of Corrosion For years, air conditioning manufacturers have been plagued with the expensive problem of the aluminum fins deteriorating when the air conditioning unit is installed near the coast. This deterioration results in unsightly and inefficient coils resulting in higher electric bills.
Copyright A/C Zincs Inc. The Price of Corrosion Generally coils are cleaned annually, however, corrosion is a continuous process and will degrade them between cleanings. Cleaning the coils more often shortens the life of the aluminum fins and results in the need for new coils sooner, often in warranty.
Copyright A/C Zincs Inc. The Price of Corrosion Coil coatings have been used for years but often require several re-coatings during the life of the equipment. So whether you clean, coat or do both, by adding the Corrosion Grenade TM on your next preventative maintenance service call, you will extend the life of your customers air conditioning system.
Copyright A/C Zincs Inc. PULL THE PIN ON CORROSION TM Fasten a new CORROSION GRENADE TM to the suction line of any air conditioner. It inhibits the corrosion of the aluminum fins. It protects continuously, even in hostile salt air environments. Works like magic … but its science! The CORROSION GRENADE TM from A/C Zincs, Inc.
Copyright A/C Zincs Inc. The Science of Corrosion The reason the aluminum fins deteriorate so quickly is due to a process called Galvanic Corrosion, or commonly referred to as electrolysis. Galvanic Corrosion occurs whenever you have dissimilar metals, electrical power and an electrolyte present. The air conditioning system is made of copper, steel and aluminum. The moist salt air acts as an electrolyte. Therefore the Galvanic Corrosion begins damaging your system as soon as you turn your system on.
Copyright A/C Zincs Inc. The Science of Corrosion Galvanic Corrosion will only damage one metal in the system and that is always the softest or weakest metal. In the air conditioning system the softest metal is the aluminum. Therefore, the electrical charge created by the Galvanic Corrosion begins deteriorating the aluminum fins as soon as the air conditioner begins to run.
Copyright A/C Zincs Inc. Works Like Magic, But Its Science The CORROSION GRENADE TM is made of 100% zinc and protects aluminum fins by acting as a sacrificial anode. As previously mention, Galvanic Corrosion only damages the softest metal. Referring to the Galvanic Scale in this program you will see that zinc is a softer metal than aluminum.
Copyright A/C Zincs Inc. The Science of Corrosion
Copyright A/C Zincs Inc. Works Like Magic, But Its Science Therefore, as soon as you attach a CORROSION GRENADE TM to your air conditioning system, you have introduced a softer metal, than aluminum to your system. The Galvanic Corrosion immediately attacks the CORROSION GRENADE TM instead of the aluminum fins. This increases the life of your system and helps maintain the efficiency.
Copyright A/C Zincs Inc. The Science of Corrosion Water heaters have used Sacrificial Anodes to protect internal components for decades. The cautious salt water boater will install Sacrificial Anodes to his marine engine each spring to inhibit degradation of the outboard parts. Why not use a Sacrificial Anode to save your customers largest investment after their home and car ?? Ever Notice that metal parts in water heaters rarely corrode?
Copyright A/C Zincs Inc. The Science of Corrosion The science of sacrificial anodes has been understood since the mid 1800s. Finally it is available for air conditioning systems. Ask your contractor to install a CORROSION GRENADE TM to your system. The CORROSION GRENADE TM will provide years of protection and help maintain the efficiency of your system.
Copyright A/C Zincs Inc. The CORROSION GRENADE TM Lets you provide homeowners and businesses with high value protection. Creates a sphere of protection for the aluminum fins. Thus helping to maintain the efficiency of the air conditioning system. Is inexpensive protection for you and your customer. Reduces callbacks and warranty service. Frees you for more profitable business.
Copyright A/C Zincs Inc. Profit from the power of an idea The HVAC/R industrys greatest need is to maintain the efficiency of the air conditioning system. The CORROSION GRENADE TM takes minutes to install and provides years of protection. A/C Zincs, Inc. is the first company to bring the Sacrificial Anode technology to the air conditioning industry.
Copyright A/C Zincs Inc. Profit from the power of an idea To install a CORROSION GRENADE TM, choose one of five sizes to fit the suction line of the compressor (1/2, 5/8, 3/4, 7/8 or 11/8).
Copyright A/C Zincs Inc. Profit from the power of an idea Separate the two halves with an Allen wrench, put the pieces around the suction line of the compressor where it typically remains wet and re- tighten the stainless bolts.
Copyright A/C Zincs Inc. Profit from the power of an idea Make sure there are no labels or coatings adhering to the unit Protection begins immediately and lasts as long as the CORROSION GRENADE TM remains intact, whether installed on new or used equipment.
Copyright A/C Zincs Inc. To help maintain the efficiency of you air conditioning system: PULL THE PIN ON CORROSION TM C O R R O S I O N G R E N A D E TM Install the