R. Mark King, Treasurer/Benefits Officer Health Benefits 2019 Mark & Dale R. Mark King, Treasurer/Benefits Officer
A Word About Insurance…… Role of Insurance: PREVENTS CATASTROPHIC LOSS Original Idea: Pooling of resources to prevent/share in losses Ancient Babylonians & Chinese Lloyd’s of London American Approach
A Word About Insurance…… Acts 2: 42ff Acts 4: 32ff All the believers were one in heart and mind…sharing everything they had. Spirit of our Self-Funded Plan WE ARE THE INSURANCE COMPANY!
A Word About Insurance…… Premiums collected = Costs expended PREMIUMS COLLECTED (August 2017-July 2018)= $10,674,918 MEDICAL, DENTAL & RX CHARGES = $12,534,733 ______________ Difference= $1,859,815
A Word About Insurance…… Healthgram and PharmAvail- 3rd party administrators Primary PhysicianCare- network Stop-Loss provision Tier 1: $250,000 Tier 2: $200,000
2019 Active Health Plan Options Each active clergy participant will have the choice between THREE PLANS: Basic plan: Same covered services; lower premium; Higher out-of-pocket costs (deductibles, co-pays, co-insurance) Basic Plus plan: Same covered services; higher premium; Lower out- of-pocket costs (deductibles, co-pays, co-insurance) HSA plan: High Deductible, no Co-pays or Co-insurance; WNCC seeds HSA Select ONE plan; dependents must also be included in the same plan. Increased Costs for 2019: Basic Plan 8%; Basic Plus Plan 10%
Medical Health Plan Option: Basic / Plus Medical cost (in network) will be based on: *Co-pays for primary physician $30 $15 *Co-pays for specialty/urgent care visit $50 $35 *Individual Deductible $1,500 $1,000 *Family Deductible $4,500 $3,000 *Coinsurance percentage 70% 80% *Out-of-pocket limitation (individual) $6,000 $4,000 *Out-of-pocket limitation (family) $13,200 $12,000 Some of the basic pieces of the plan. Note that family out-of-pocket limitations are lower than provided at Annual Conference due to IRS maximum allowed. Also discussion of what is included in out of pocket limitations (including copays in current year and pharmacy copays
Medical Health Plan Option: HSA Medical cost (in network) will be based on: *Individual Deductible $5,500 *Family Deductible $10,000 *Coinsurance percentage 0% *Out-of-pocket limitation (individual) *Out-of-pocket limitation (family) *Individual Contributions limit to HSA $3,500 *Family Contributions limit to HSA $7,000 *Over age 55 catch up $1,000 *WNCC seeds $400/$800/$1,200 Also discussion of what is included in out of pocket limitations (including copays in current year and pharmacy copays
Participant’s/Employer’s Contribution under Plans BASIC PLAN: Clergy premium costs determined by percentage of premium according to sliding scale salary range. BASIC PLUS PLAN: Same base premium as BASIC PLAN plus $3,665 difference between costs of Basic vs. Basic Plus HSA PLAN: Same premium as Basic Plan; Clergy premium costs determined by percentage of premium according to sliding scale salary range. Church premium cost is SAME for ALL plans less the clergy contribution. Now we focus on the handout for the premiums…..shows the sliding scales for all salary ranges, with annual and monthly costs. Also, spouse, dependent, and family coverages at the bottom. NOTE TO AUDIENCE…..child coverages includes as many children as you have, 1 or 12!!! Church pays the same amount within the appropriate salary range NO MATTER WHICH PLAN IS SELECTED! Church portion is based on basic plan as differential between two is 100% allocated to the pastor.
MAXIMUM OUT OF POCKET- ALL PLANS (In Network) BASIC PLAN: $6,000 (Individual); $13,200 (Family) BASIC PLUS PLAN: $4,000 (Individual); $12,000 (Family) HSA PLAN: $5,500 (Individual); $10,000 (Family)
2019 Retiree Health Plan Retiree clergy over 65 participate in a Medicare Supplement Plan Premiums based on qualified years of service in WNCC No Cost Increase for 2019 (seven years running!) Medical only; no pharmaceutical; no dental Retiree clergy under 65 participate in one of the Active Plans Retiree pays 100% of premium unless appointed ¾ or more
New Offerings
Flexible Spending Arrangements WNCC Section 125 Plan ONLY MEDICAL Covers out-of-pocket for allowable medical expenses (co-pays, deductibles, co-insurance) Can contributed up to maximum of $2,650 for 2018 (2019 maximum announced by IRS) ACA allows $500 to rollover into 2019 Immediate availability of ALL funds Use it or Lose it DEPENDENT Covers expenses for any type dependent care (children or adult) Can contributed up to maximum of $5,000 for 2019 Funds ONLY available as accrued
How To Make Changes IF NO CHANGE ELECTION FROM ONE PLAN TO OTHER, no need to do anything! IF CHANGE IN CHOICE OF PLAN OR PERSONAL/DEPENDENT INFORMATION: Forms are provided from Healthgram for Open and RE-Enrollment (FSA) After Open Enrollment, changes only allowed by “qualifying events.” FSA required new enrollment form Complete name, address, phone number and other personal information requested. Select which coverage and the corresponding amounts. Complete the middle section for spouse and eligible dependents SIGN AND DATE! For HSA seeding, must have HSA verification by January 31, 2019 Forms returned by December 1, 2018 for 2019