Engineering Duty Officer (1440/1460) Community Brief LCDR Christopher MacLean Engineering Duty OCM LCDR Merl Trimpe Engineering Duty RC OCM 15 Jun 2018 5 Jun 2018, 1200
Overview Purpose of Brief Background Concerns/Issues Assessment Information brief. Provide Leadership with an Engineering Duty Community Overview and health update EDO (Desig 1440) EDO Community Sponsor – VADM Moore, Commander, NAVSEA Senior EDO – VADM Johnson, Principal Military Deputy for ASN RD&A Background Accessions No direct EDO accessions (Options accessed in parent designator), 0 ENS and 7 LTJG OPA ED Option is single largest accession source. Lat xfer and POCR supplement at a combined 50% Manning 819 officers at present (CAPT – LTJG). FY18 OPA of 814 Overall 100% manned Concerns/Issues Option program continuity Maintaining not less than 29 SWO ED Option quotas accessions annually Assessment ED Community is healthy
Engineering Duty Mission EDs provide Warfare-Qualified, Uniformed Leadership in primarily civilian fields (~800 officers lead workforce of > 73,000 government civilians and DoD contractors) Fleet Maintenance (~40%) Shipyards, Tenders & RMCs Fleet & TYCOM Staffs Acquisition Program Management (~30%) PEOs New Construction SUPSHIPs Engineering & Technology (~15%) Warfare Centers HQ Directorates National Missions (~15%) Diving & Salvage Strategic Systems Missile Defense Naval Reactors Engineering Duty Officers build and maintain the Fleet
Engineering Duty Career Path Typical SWO ED Option Typical SUB ED Option NPS MIT ED Qual Tour NSY, RMC, SSC, NSWC, SUPSHIP LCDR Experience Tours NSY, RMC, SOS, FLT/TYCOM Staff, HQ ACQ CDR Leadership Tours SEA, NSY, RMC, SOS, FLT/TYCOM Staff, OPNAV, HQ ACQ Jr CAPT Tour NSY/RMC DH Staff, A/DPM, OPNAV CAPT CMD NSY/RMC, NSWC, MPM, SOS Post CMD or Flag Lateral Transfer Window URL on-ramp at 4-12 YCS CAPT CMD, MAJOR PROGRAM MANAGER SB CDR CMD SB 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 Each individual’s ED career path is tailored based on past experience, accession timing, and education. Acquisition Corps Selection Typical Billets / Quals EDQP DAWIA Lvl III Engineering focused Master’s Program Proj Off Ship Supt Field Activity Production Off Type Desk Off APM, Sys Engineer CHENG / CSO / RO / ARO / OIC / SUPSHIP PMR / PAPM / DPM Rqmts/Action Off NSY/RMC DH Staff N43 EA / CoS Tech Dir CO MPM
Engineering Duty Community Values (SECNAV Approved Community Brief) Valued achievements prior to LIEUTENANT COMMANDER Warfare qualification Proven performance at sea 1440 or 1460 Valued achievements prior to COMMANDER 1440 (technical Masters degree and ED qualification tour completed) 1460 with proven performance during ED qualification tour Acquisition Corps member (ACQ FULL QUAL (APM) AQD) Valued achievements prior to CAPTAIN Acquisition Corps member (APM AQD) Level III DAWIA certification in primary career field, w/conferred AQD (e.g, Program Management (AA3), Engineering (AS3), Production Quality Management (AG3))
EDO Mentor Groups Secondary Only IMG RMC SB SURFPAC LCMG IWE CC SSP Industrial Maintenance Group RMC Regional Maintenance Centers SB Subba Bubbas SURFPAC LCMG Life Cycle Maintenance Group IWE Information Warfare CC Cannon Cockers SSP Strategic Systems Programs Secondary Only Divers & Salvage EDO(N) Nukes
EDO FY18 Accessions FY18 Active Duty Accession Plan EDO Community Lateral Gains POCR Board (2) Lat Transfer (24) SWO EDO Options USNA (13) NROTC (14) OCS (2) SUB EDO Options USNA (10) NROTC (10) Need: 53 Accessions OPTIONS (Future Gains) OPTION (In-year gains) POCR Lateral Transfer (In-year Gains) Total Accessions SUB SWO PLAN EXEC FY18 20 29 27 14 2 1 24 18 53 33 FY17 28 32 31 19 58 52 FY16 21 26 4 23 57 FY15 30 25 40 72 50 FY14 37 65 FY13 34 60 69 Historical data shows execution rate of ~90% for SWO options and ~10% for SUB options
EDO Community Pyramid Ideal OPA Distro per DOPMA Actual FY18 OPA = 814 Ideal community breakdown, by rank, per 10 USC Chap 32, Section 523 EDO Community Pyramid 2 Ideal OPA Distribution Pyramid, for a community with 814 Authorizations 3 Actual OPA Distribution Pyramid, for the EDO Community (FY18) 4 Projected OPA Distribution Pyramid, for the EDO Community (FY23) 5 Percentage comparison between ideal and actual OPA Pyramid Community Management Business Practice for a “healthy” community pyramid is based on 10 USC Chap 32, § 523 6% 49 Grade % of DOPMA Community for “Healthy” % of OPA Community for “Healthy” % of EDO inventory (FY18) CAPT 6% (5%-7%) * 15% 13% CDR 12% (11%-18%) * 23% 24% LCDR 22% (19-26%) * 29% 30% LT 36% 32% LTJG 12% <1% 2% ENS 0% 5 1 12% 98 22% 179 36% 293 12% 98 12% 98 * Per § 523, range of control grade officers for a total Navy size of 30,000 through total navy size of 90,000. For current size of ~54,000, percent for “healthy” community: CAPT (5.7%), CDR (12.2%), LCDR (21.5%) 2 Ideal OPA Distro per DOPMA 15% 13%, 108 of 119 authorized 14% 116 CAPT CAPT CDR 24%, 192 of 190 CDR 23% 23% 191 LCDR LCDR 29% 30%, 247 of 236 29% 241 LT LT 32% 32%, 257 of 262 32% 263 LTJG <1% 2%, 15 of 7 LTJG <1% 7 Actual FY18 OPA = 814 3 Projected FY23 OPA = 818 4
Graduate Education Graduate Education leading to subspecialty code in approved curricula MANDATORY for all EDs 601 Billets SSP-Coded Percentage by Rank
OPA vs. Inventory History Current Inventory - 819 First Year of Option Accessions Options begin Redesignation OPA = Officer Programmed Authorizations (billets) As of 30 Apr 2018
EDO (1440/1460) LOS Chart 30 April 2018 (NOPPS and OAIS data)
Officer Demographics Comparison USN Data: Officer (Active + Reserve) NMPBS, 31MAR18 National Labor Force Data: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Including Race/Ethnicity and Gender data Compared to engr/analyst, prgrm mgt type work
The Engineering Duty community is healthy, and has no immediate issues Takeaways Current Programs Support Community Health ED Option Program Maintaining not less than 50% annual gains from ED Option program critical to continued stability and health Lateral Transfer Redesignations Continues to provide access to quality candidates through very competitive board process Primary means of right sizing annual gains when paired with Options POCR Redesignations Very few candidates meet ED entry criteria Minimal POCR quotas sufficient to meet community needs The Engineering Duty community is healthy, and has no immediate issues
NAVSEA Strategic Framework