The Frontier Image progress, justice, democracy and freedom? Where Romance Creates Reality Q1: How did marketing produce its own history? Q2: Identity: Can American Indians be American OR Indian? Q3: How does the frontier experience question the meaning of progress, justice, democracy and freedom?
In what ways does this Ad preview The Turner Thesis?
What did Joy Kasson and Joe Nimmo say about Buffalo Bill’s Marketing?
Did Yves Simonsen (film director) agree with these suggestions about democracy, justice and gender? Sitting Bull and William F. Cody Montreal, 1885 Ad for Annie Oakley Attraction
What did the Hudson River School suggest about The Frontier and Progress? Frederick Church, 1846 Depicting Thomas Hooker founding Hartford CT in 1636
Compare Zitkala Sa’s impressions to yours when watching the film: Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee.
Q2: Identity: Can American Indians be American OR Indian?