Introduction to Poetry Communications 11 Mrs. Taylor
What is Poetry?
POETRY: po·et·ry, pōətrē noun A literary work in which special intensity is given to the expression of feelings and ideas by the use of distinctive style and rhythm; poems collectively or as a genre of literature. A quality of beauty and intensity of emotion regarded as characteristic of poems. Something regarded as comparable to poetry in its beauty.
Different Types of Poetry
Lyric Poetry Lyric Poetry: Primary function is to express a state of mind or strong emotion Often written in 1st person (“I”) Eg. Free verse/haiku/Sonnet
Satirical Poetry Satirical Poetry: Poems that ridicule a particular person/society/human failing for the purpose of creating positive change When reading, identify what or who is being ridiculed and why?
Narrative, Light, and Descriptive Poetry Narrative Poetry: Poetry that tells a story. It has a conflict, characters, and context (time/place/situation). Light Verse: Comic poetry. Clever, witty, rude. Limerick. Uses puns. Descriptive Poetry: Poetry that uses figurative language to create an image in the mind of the reader. Appeals to many senses. Engages our feelings/imagination.
Reflective and Didactic Poetry Reflective Poetry: Poetry that asks an ESSENTIAL QUESTION. Eg. Who am I? Why was I born? What does it mean to be human? Why do I feel? What is the nature of happiness? Didactic Poetry: Poetry that, in a subtle way, teaches a lesson. Asks the reader to reflect upon their own actions and beliefs.
Some literary terms for your literary terms booklet 36. Stanza: A “chunk” or paragraph of poetry. 34. Soliloquy: A speech or monologue made by a character in a play that only the audience can overhear. 16. Narrative: The story that is told in a piece of literature 39. Theme: The message, meaning or overarching idea of a piece of literature 48. Hyperbole: An exaggeration for effect in a piece of literature 52. Tone: The feeling or mood created by the author in a piece of literature