CITI Program: Click Register under Create an account Registration is simple. A pdf of this information is also provided on our web site.
Choose Michigan Tech as your institution, check the box to agree to terms of service, continue Affiliate yourself with Michigan Tech now, you can later change this if you move and need to affiliate with another institution.
Provide Personal Information, continue Complete all required red asterisk fields.
Create your username and password, continue
Complete all red * fields
Complete and continue
Choose “no” and continue
Choose appropriate answers and continue
Complete all red * fields and continue
Most will select Basic Human Subjects – Social & Behavioral Focus from the drop down menu, be sure to choose all applicable courses if others are applicable, click continue. Note when choosing additional courses, it will take time to complete those courses, plan accordingly. You can choose from various courses from the drop down that apply to your type of research.
Faculty, staff and all students conducting human subject research, choose ONE of the listed modules to complete, then skip Q’s 2-5, scroll to the bottom and click “Complete Registration”. NOTE: Our office does not currently track Conflict of Interest or Responsible Conduct of Research modules completed, do not choose those modules on the next pages unless you are asked specifically to complete them. Choose 1
Faculty/Staff Only -Answer Q’s 2-5, then click the Complete Registration button at the bottom of the page.
Faculty/Staff Only -Answer Q’s 2-5, then click the Complete Registration button at the bottom of the page.
Faculty/Staff Only -Answer Q’s 2-5, then click the Complete Registration button at the bottom of the page.
Faculty/Staff Only -Answer Q’s 2-5, then click the Complete Registration button at the bottom of the page.
If you registered for a wrong course, or need to complete refresher courses, you can change your “learner group” here: You can enter the training by clicking on “enter” under Status in My Courses. If you inadvertently choose the incorrect learner group you can fix this by clicking on the “add a course or update your learner groups” link. If you do not fix this now, you will enter the training and will have too many modules to complete, I have had researchers call me to say “You told me this will only take about 30 min. and I have been at it for 3 hours now, I explain what they need to do, and by changing the learner group they are back to finishing up in about a half hour.
CITI training is completed, what’s the next step? Log in to Locate your most recent completion report and save as a pdf on your hard drive. Upload the pdf to your individual IRBNet user profile Follow the INSTRUCTIONS document found in IRBNet to upload your training to your user profile.