15 Learning about Yourself
Section 15.1 Assessing yourself
Objectives After completing this section, you will be able to: Explain the importance of self-concept. Describe the components of making a self-assessment.
Key Terms self-concept self-esteem self-assessment soft skill hard skill interest aptitude General Aptitude Test Battery (GATB) ability
Developing Your Self-Concept Self-concept is the mental image you have of yourself When you have a positive self-concept, you are not easily swayed by negative influences Self-esteem is a feeling of self-worth and confidence People with high self-esteem believe they can handle life’s challenges
Making a Self-Assessment Self-assessment is the process of taking stock of your skills, interests, aptitudes, and abilities Through self-assessment you are better able to plan your future Self-assessment techniques may involve thinking exercises or written or electronic testing
What Are Your Skills and Interests? To know and understand yourself, you need to analyze your skills and interests Soft skills are personal skills that affect how an individual interacts with others Hard skills are teachable skills that are learned Your interests are the activities, events, and ideas that you like One way to become more aware of your interests is to take an activities-preference inventory
What Are Your Skills and Interests? (continued) Goodheart-Willcox Publisher
What Are Your Aptitudes? An aptitude is a person’s natural, physical, and mental talents for learning If you have an aptitude for a skill, you will be able to learn and perform the skill well Be realistic about your aptitudes To learn more about your aptitudes, ask your guidance counselor if your school gives any aptitude tests
What Are Your Abilities? Ability is a mastery of a skill or the capacity to do something Abilities are learned through training and practice Abilities are developed more easily if you have related aptitudes Your interests, aptitudes, and abilities all need to be considered in career planning
Section 15.2 Exploring Who you Are
Objectives After completing this section, you will be able to: Identify how personalities may influence life choices. Explain how your values influence your behaviors. Describe the importance of creating goals.
Key Terms ethics lifestyle goal long-term goal short-term goal standard standard of living resource personality id ego superego habit learning style values
Your Personal Characteristics Personality is the unique way an individual thinks, feels, and interacts Your personality influences the way other people feel about you Your personal characteristics are a combination of your personality traits and your behavioral habits It is commonly accepted that a person’s personality is influenced by the id, ego, and superego
Personality Traits and Habits Different careers require different personality traits It is important to consider your personality when establishing your career goals A habit is something you do repeatedly, in the same way The habits you form are a part of your personality They influence the way others see you
Personality Traits and Habits (continued) Goodheart-Willcox Publisher
Learning Styles Learning styles are the different ways people take in information and process it Because of your preferred learning style, you might find it easier to learn certain kinds of information or develop specific skills Knowing this can help you plan for college and choose a career
Your Values and Ethics Values are the principles and beliefs that you consider important Ethics are the set of moral values that guide a person’s conduct It is important to always behave in a way that is true to your values Your ethics should be your guide when making tough decisions
Your Goals Goals are what you want to attain A person’s goals are usually based on his or her values Lifestyle goals reflect what you want from life A short-term goal is a goal to be reached tomorrow, next week, or within a few months A long-term goal is a goal that may take several months or years to achieve
Standards A standard is an accepted level of achievement A person’s standard of living refers to the goods and services considered essential Standards are closely related to values and goals Knowing your own standards can help you understand yourself and establish lifestyle goals
Resources Resources are all the things that can be used to reach a goal Personal resources are those you have within yourself, such as knowledge and experience Personal resources are intangible, not concrete Tangible resources are the material things you have or can use to achieve goals Examples include money, tools, clothes, and community resources
Identify a job that you might want to have in the future Identify a job that you might want to have in the future. Which would be most helpful in getting such a job—your interests, your aptitudes, or your abilities? What is one habit you have that you would like to break? What is one habit you would like to develop?