Spin PHY 361 2008-03-24
Outline introduction to spin magnetic moment Stern–Gerlach experiment analogy with earth orbital and spin angular momentum quantum orbital (l,ml) and spin (s,ms) angular momentum magnetic moment relation to spin: Bohr magneton B, gyromagnetic ratio gl, gs dynamics in magnetic fields interaction energy, precession, deflection force example: spinning top Stern–Gerlach experiment total angular momentum (J,m) triangle relationship complete hydrogen wave function spectroscopic notation spin–orbit coupling – fine structure I will start with a brief reminder of where we were last, and explain the different options available for polarizing the beam. Then I will go on and show the progress we have made towards a feasible design of the novel splitter polarizer geometry. We have also done new detailed simulations of the different designs and recalculated the costing of each for comparison. Based on this new information, we have arrived at a choice for the baseline design.
Earth–electron analogy It’s all about spin! spin always has the same magnitude integer or half-integer the electron has nothing to ‘spin’ (it is a point particle)
Magnetic moment and precession
Stern–Gerlach Experiment
Stern–Gerlach Experiment
Coupling of angular momentum – example
Coupling of angular momentum
Spin-orbit interaction – fine structure
Fine structure – J splitting
Periodic Table 1s2; 2s2 2p6; 3s2 3p6; 4s2 3d10 4p6; 5s2 4d10 5p6; 6s2 4f14 5d10 6p6; 7s2 5f14 6d10 7p6