Barbara Palmer APD Director This training is for APD background screening requirements and use of the Clearinghouse. In this session we will review how to edit an applicant’s demographics once they have been entered into the Clearinghouse. Each applicant’s demographics should be reviewed each time you complete a screening or review in the Clearinghouse. Remember, your applicant is your potential employee and each applicant has a profile, this profile is not the ‘Provider’ profile or the Consumer profile used as the initiating Provider. Making use of the Clearinghouse is a high priority and we are here to help you succeed. So, with that in mind, let’s get started. Background Screening Clearinghouse Edit Applicant Demographics Barbara Palmer APD Director
Always search for applicant first! Once logged into the Portal, search for your applicant. Click on Search tab on tool bar, enter the applicant’s social security number and last name or date of birth. Their profile will open once you click search. Your applicant’s personal information should be checked upon entering the profile page prior to initiating reviews or adding employment. This information is used by the background screening staff.
If any information needs to be updated on the profile, select the ‘Edit’ button below the photo.
Social Security Number Last Name Date of Birth Please contact the DCF Background Screening Unit to update any of the following: Social Security Number Last Name Date of Birth Helpdesk Helpdesk 1 (888) 352-2849 When editing the demographic information, be mindful that: All fields marked with a red asterisk are required fields and the system will not allow you to save with missing information. You can edit all information on the demographic screen except for the last name, social security number and date of birth. If any of these 3 are incorrect for your applicant, you must contact the DCF Background screening helpdesk to get the profile corrected. They will need a copy of the driver license and social security card of the individual for verification purposes prior to any changes in the Clearinghouse. After making any changes necessary to the demographics profile, click save to return to the Profile page.
Still have questions or need technical assistance? Call CDC+ Customer Service 1-866-761-7043 If you still have questions or require technical assistance, please call CDC+ Customer Service at 1-866-761-7043