I broke them up into separate lines, but the head and title tags could have been on the same line.
Most tags must have an open and a close in XHTML.
there is a blank line after it When you save, you need to use either a .html or a .htm extension.
This is the title. Notice the name has the .html extension. These are headers in tags <h1>, <h2> and <h6>. Notice that the text gets progressively smaller. They are in the body. of text. will not validate because the This is a line text is not in a container. Note that I closed body and html.
The </p> could have been on the same line.
Notice that embedded spaces and carriage returns have no impact on how things look on the page.
<br />
Note that I have a break in a paragraph and then another line Note that I have a break in a paragraph and then another line. It is written on the very next line. A new paragraph woud have caused a blank line inbetween.
</ol> Now I am doing an ordered list - I made a mistake which we will see in a minute. Instead of closing the ordered list I made a new ordered list.
with 1, 2 and 3. Should have been </ol> I have not run with the unordered list yet.
slides. second output did not indent.
I have gone to the validator and am attempting to validate I have gone to the validator and am attempting to validate. Note this is after I fixed the close tags.
It validated!
This shows the right list output, unfortunately it does not show the fix - you will just have to trust me!
It is prefered that you do this with cascading style sheets which we will discuss soon.
I added some things and it still validated.