The Canterbury Tales
The Middle Ages Named by scholars for the time in between the Ancient period and the Renaissance Also called the Medieval period Also called the Dark Ages – time w/lack of education – monks carried on literacy Bubonic plague (Black Death) – 1/3 of Europe wiped out; carried by rats/fleas; 1347-1350
The Black Death
Life in the Middle Ages
Life in the Middle Ages
Life in the Middle Ages
Life in the Middle Ages
Life in the Middle Ages
Life in the Middle Ages
Medieval Society Feudalism was the organizing social system. The Three Estates: King, the Nobility, and Knights Clergy and Church Employees Merchants and Peasants Most literature of the Ancient World focused on the 1st Estate exclusively
Medieval Religion Heaven Purgatory Hell Mortal vs. Venial Sins Indulgences Dante Aligheri
Medieval Religion “The Garden of Earthly Delights” (1504) by Hieronymous Bosch
Corruption in the Church Papal indulgences on the rise (some fake, some real) Fake relics abound Clergy not living up to their vows Martin Luther and his 99 theses Protestant Reformation
The Four Humours Belief that the body fluids dictated behavior Blood – Sanguine passionate, lustful Phleghm – Phleghmatic sickly, cowardly Yellow Bile – Choleric violent, angry Black Bile – Melancholic depressed, emo
Geoffrey Chaucer (1343?-1400) 2nd greatest poet in the English language (next to Shakespeare) Held many odd jobs over the years Strong interest in the middle class Also wrote Troilus and Criseyde Only had finished 24 when he died
Murder in the Cathedral Archbishop Thomas a Becket King Henry II “Will no one rid me of this meddlesome priest?” Killed in 1170
The Canterbury Tales
“The General Prologue” Setting – April at the Tabard Inn Goal – Pilgrimage to Canterbury Plot – Contest to see who can tell the best story Characters – 29 pilgrims, plus Host and Chaucer = 31 in all 2 tales each way; 4 x 31 = 124 tales
The Pilgrimage
Wife of Bath The Host Chaucer Reeve Miller Monk Friar Knight
Pardoner Summoner Parson Shipman Squire Nun’s Priest Physician Prioress
2nd Nun Franklin Cook Man of Law Oxford Clerk Yeoman Manciple Merchant