` Faculty Professional Development—Corequisite Support Peter Adams and Loretta Griffy
Cumulative Survey of Faculty Preparation November 2017 Community College of Baltimore County (MD) Six West Virginia Universities (WV) Community College of Allegheny County (PA) Century Community College (MN) LaGuardia Community College (NY) Patrick Henry Community College (VA) Atlantic Cape Community College (NJ) Harford Community College (MD) Six Connecticut Community Colleges (CT) Rochester Technical and Community College (MN) Flathead Community College (MT) Fourteen Michigan Community Colleges (MI) Denver Community College (CO) Berkshire Community College (MA) NHTI Concord Community College (NH) Nassau Community College (NY) (N = 326)
Which of the following best describes your graduate preparation to teach writing? 100 108 90 80 35% 70 68 44 60 27 60 50 40 30 20 10 no formal courses more than five courses one course three to five courses two courses
Which of the following best describes your graduate preparation to teach developmental (basic, remedial) writing? 250 242 225 200 78% 175 150 125 100 75 50 31 7 29 25 no formal courses 1 course 2 or 3 courses more than 3 courses
The Accelerated Learning Program (ALP) ENG 101 ENG 052 After discussing this slide, Peter turns it back to Sarah.
Developmental Writing at CCBC Today backward curriculum design active learning integrated reading & writing non-cognitive issues thinking editing skills syllabus design writing projects
Six Approaches to Faculty Development The "Cadillac" model--something like a week-long institute at which faculty hear ideas from experienced colleagues, talk about issues among themselves, and design materials to be used when they begin teaching. Periodic two-hour sessions spread throughout the year, each session focused on a particular topic. Pre-semester extended (day-long?) workshops each semester. Mentorships.
Six Approaches to Faculty Development Periodic roundtables for faculty to exchange ideas, problems, solutions, etc. On-line banks of materials--sample syllabi, assignments, activities, readings, videos, etc. Opportunities for faculty to attend national, statewide, and regional conferences/workshops. On-campus workshops led by outside experts.
Faculty Professional Development—Corequisite Support Peter Adams and Loretta Griffy