Becoming AB 705 Compliant Tammi Marshall, Cuyamaca College Kathy Kubo, College of the Canyons California Acceleration Project
Becoming AB 705 Compliant What AB 705 says about placement CCCCO Guidelines MMAP research supporting AB 705-compliant placement rules Transfer-level corequisite models to support student success
What AB 705 says AB 705 is about how we place students into math and English courses Colleges must use one or more of the following measures in placement: HS coursework HS grades OR HS GPA Low performance on one measure may be offset by high performance on another The student can bypass remediation based on any one measure
What AB 705 says To deny a student access to transfer-level math (i.e. to place a student into remediation), colleges must meet two bars: #1: Demonstrate that the student is “highly unlikely” to succeed in transfer-level, as determined by placement research that includes their HS grades AND #2: Demonstrate that placing a student into a remedial course will give them the best chance of completing transfer-level math within one year Bottom line: your placement policy can’t leave students worse off than if they enrolled directly in transfer-level
AB 705 caveats Allows for self-report, guided placement or self-placement Allows support at transfer-level Algebra remediation allowed IF it will increase a student’s probability of passing the transfer-level course Exceptions: Students who don’t intend to transfer Students whose programs have specific math requirements
AB 705-compliant placement rules MMAP researchers are part of the CCCCO’s AB 705 Implementation Team They are working to develop a new set of AB 705-compliant placement rules to replace MMAP They presented the following analysis; this research is on-going
Placement into Transfer-level Statistics Will placement research be able to identify a group of students who are better off placed into a pre-transfer course than directly placed into statistics?
Bar #1: Who is “highly unlikely” to succeed in Statistics? Statewide Research from Multiple Measures Assessment Project High School Criteria Average Success Rate in Statistics GPA ≥ 3.0 (62% of students in statewide sample) 80% 2.3 ≤ GPA < 3.0 & C or higher in PreCalculus (4% of students in statewide sample) 70% 2.3 ≤ GPA < 3.0 & C or higher in Algebra II (12% of students in statewide sample) 58% 2.3 ≤ GPA < 3.0 & did NOT pass Algebra II with C or higher (10% of students in statewide sample) 49% GPA < 2.3 40% Adapted from Educational Results Partnership & The RP Group presentation
Bar #2: For the lowest GPA group, what placement maximizes the probability of completing Statistics within a year? Adapted from Educational Results Partnership & The RP Group presentation
What about Business and STEM? To produce more accurate estimates of throughput for students in B-STEM, they attempted to identify and remove students: with terminal AA as an educational goal taking Statistics and/or Liberal Arts Math
Bar #1: Who is “highly unlikely” to succeed in Precalculus? Statewide Research from Multiple Measures Assessment Project High School Criteria Average Success Rate in Precalculus GPA ≥ 3.4 (23% of students in statewide sample) 78% 3.1 ≤ GPA < 3.4 (21% of students in statewide sample) 67% 2.6 ≤ GPA < 3.1 (36% of students in statewide sample) 56% GPA < 2.6 & Precalculus (5% of students in statewide sample) 49% GPA < 2.6 & NO Precalculus (16% of students in statewide sample) 38% Adapted from Educational Results Partnership & The RP Group presentation
Bar #2: For the lowest group, what placement maximizes the probability of completing Precalculus within a year? Adapted from Educational Results Partnership & The RP Group presentation
What about Business and STEM? Research is ongoing, but the current analysis suggests that all students who have completed Algebra 2 in high school should have direct placement into Precalculus.
Are you kidding? But the predicted pass rates are so low! This still represents a students best shot Student support innovation Corequisite remediation works
Gateway Momentum in Math at Cuyamaca Adapted from Educational Results Partnership & The RP Group presentation
Gateway Momentum in Math at Cuyamaca Adapted from Educational Results Partnership & The RP Group presentation
Percent of Students who Complete an Associated Gateway Course Adapted from Educational Results Partnership & The RP Group presentation
Successful Completion in One Year vs Corequisite Results by Testing Level - Tennessee Adapted from Educational Results Partnership & The RP Group presentation
AB 705 Implementation Timeline Colleges must be AB705 compliant by Fall 2019 Therefore New courses may need to be developed & approved Updated placement policies need to be in effect by early spring 2019 More implementation guidelines coming this spring
Assessment & Placement – CCCCO
Thank you! Kathy Kubo College of the Canyons Tammi Marshall Cuyamaca College