5minutes… collect your thoughts on your gaming time last week Be prepared to share with the class: a) your city and its physical features (ie: landscape, climate, initial energy sources) b) the specific challenges you found c) the solutions: what forms of energy were the best. Why?
Renewable energy types Wind Tidal Solar Biofuels Geothermal HEP (Hydroelectric) Fuel cells Nuclear???
Huge increase in renewable energy globally since 2005 – what are the most used types of energy? Levelling off occurred this year round 22% of world totals (remember, this includes biomass and nuclear) Global market for renewables was $55 billion in 2006 predicted to be $226 billion by 2016
Patterns and Trends Write down one pattern and one trend from the next three slides….
THE ENERGY GAP Aim: To understand the rising demand for energy
Predict the top 10 Energy Users in the World…. China Poland Chile Israel India South Africa Russia Sudan Saudi Arabia USA Japan Kuwait France Germany Australia Spain Brazil Turkey South Korea Sweden Colombia Canada United Kingdom Nigeria Egypt Venezuela Uzbekistan
1. Describe the change in world energy use over time. 2 1. Describe the change in world energy use over time? 2. Explain how the energy use in a country changes a country develops
The energy gap and energy efficiency The energy gap is: 1. A shortage of energy supply between DEMAND vs SUPPLY – a country cannot produce the amount of energy demanded by the population. 2. Especially a problem in a country trying to reduce use of non-renewables to prevent climate change Here, the gap occurs when fossil fuels are being reduced but there is not enough energy produced by renewable fuels to replace them.
Amount of energy has increased in China yet decreased in Germany: Why? 1. Standard of living The economy of China has grown dramatically and people have more money. When SOL improves more energy is used (ie: electricity) with luxury appliances (ie: dishwashers) In Germany, tax breaks are offered to people using low energy appliances. Also, environmentally aware government switching to renewable resources 2. Industry In China, number of factories has increased and these use a lot of energy whereas in the Germany, manufacturing industry has declined and increased reliance on service-based economy which requires less energy to operate. 3. Population growth As population continues to increase in China there will be more people using the energy, while population is not increasing widely in Germany.
In the next few slides, identify patterns and trends in renewables consumption: GHLAD General Trend/Patterns, Highs, Lows, Anomalies, (Use) Data!!
Last year the FIRST TIME IN 17 YEARS: Which region has been the driver of energy growth? Last year the FIRST TIME IN 17 YEARS: China’s energy consumption HAS NOT GROWN!
IB-Style Question: “Examine the changing importance of three energy alternatives to oil [15 marks]”