Unit 10 Marketing Entertainment


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 10 Marketing Entertainment Intro to Sports and Entertainment

Defining Entertainment Entertainment consists of…. Radio Television Music Movie Theater Fine Arts

History of Entertainment As long as there have been people, there has been entertainment. Early forms of entertainment included Plays Music Circuses Theater animal fights sporting events Fights—gladiators!

American Entertainment History Early American entertainment included such things as: Minstrel shows Circus acts Musical shows Poetry readings Plays Wild West Shows Dime Shows Medicine Shows Burlesque Shows Variety Shows/Vaudeville Shows Freak Shows

Early Marketing of Entertainment Marketing was mainly posters and word of mouth. In order to enjoy entertainment, people usually had to travel, which was difficult. Distribution was a problem since most entertainment was performing arts.

Theater Theater has always had a place in human history. People have always put on plays for others. Theater no longer has a major impact on our economy, but there is a place for it in the entertainment business.

Short History of Film In 1895 the Lumiere brothers were the first to present a projected movie to paying customers in a café in Paris. The first movie with sound was The Jazz Singer which opened in the United States in 1927. Mickey Mouse arrived in 1928 in Walt Disney’s Steamboat Willie. 10 years later Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs became the first full length animated film.

History of Radio Entertainment Radio started in late 1800’s Entertainment radio began slowly in the 1920’s companies started stations and began broadcasting throughout the U.S. The first radio commercial was $100 for a 10 minute message promoting the sale of apartments on Long Island.

Impact of Radio Radio advertising reached a high of $203 million in 1949. Colgate Radio Ad 1944 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjMduz9QPq0 Radio was a victim of its phenomenal growth, the more stations, the greater division of revenue. So, even though there was a lot of money, there wasn’t much per company. By 1950, 94% of all households owned at least 1 radio set

Television and Marketing TV provided sports and entertainment whole new means of distribution and advertising Celebrity Endorsers became popular! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tJS8L5Cnsms Started with the Big 3 ABC NBC CBS

Television’s Increasing Influence The pricing of television commercial time is tied to the number of viewers the programming attracts. 1980’s: Cable TV becomes extremely popular HBO MTV In 1996: 223 million TV sets 42.5 billion spent on ads Recent changes Including streaming services as a part of cable

Time Line Activity Each table will develop a timeline that explores the history of your assigned element of entertainment. Your time line must be thorough and include images as well as time periods/dates. This is for a grade! You will be graded on completion and work ethic. Group 1: Radio Group 2: Television Group 3: Film Group 4: Music Group 5: On-line Streaming Services Group 6: Theater Group 7: Fairs/Festivals Group 8: Games/Gaming

Current Entertainment Industry

Current Economic Influence Entertainment in the US TV production—30.8 billion Film productions—29.7 billion 2,413,323 employed in entertainment industry in US In Georgia Film and TV—$9.5 billion in 2017 5,000 individual technicians Around 200 employees per production The average feature film budget is $41.7 million The average amount of feature film budget spent in a state is 60% - 70%

Why Georgia?

What films here? Marvel Hunger Games Passengers Walking Dead Stranger Things Atlanta

Trends in Entertainment The challenges Quickly evolving market Broadened definition of entertainment Products that were innovative yesterday are out-of-date today Promoters must be creative and forward thinking in order to anticipate the wants of the buying public Using entertainment to market OTHER products Endorsements Product Placement

Changes in Marketing Entertainment Green Venues Consumers want to attend entertainment events in environmentally conscious venues Energy efficient, sustainable, minimizing waste Now a marketing tool for competitive venue market Technology Using technology to promote Trailers, sneak peaks Creating viral campaigns

Today…. Complete project! Presentation is majority of your grade! Ceiling Tile Rubric Presentation first thing tomorrow! As well as a quiz over notes