Model of TEC Provision
Reaching the population: scaling up TEC Embedding TEC into every social care process TEC prompts in every piece of care documentation Knowledge and competencies of staff From Trusted Assessor to TEC First Stock management, delivery and fitting Technology Enabled Discharges
TEC integration with ICES Released capacity for TEC team for assessments and duty work Assisted in removing the waiting list and capacity to deal with todays work today ICES provider knowledge of products Competencies of engineers for fitting and programming Range of product types Diversity in housing providers using Tunstall, Chubb, Tynetec
TEC interface with Housing Multiple main housing providers Multiple housing providers of smaller numbers of properties - retirement homes and sheltered schemes Company targets on promoting Lifelines Housing providers contracts for Telecare Call Centres
Responding to telecare alerts Reliance on informal carers to respond Numbers of calls going to Ambulance
Enhanced Response Service: Falls and Telecare 24/7 365 days a year across Cambs Working with 6 RSLs and 6 telecare call centres Sharing information and GDPR Reasons for calls: falls, personal care, silent So far has responded to 1570 calls – only 60 then needed to call an Ambulance. 1510 calls avoided an unnecessary Ambulance call out 43% of people have no other social care package Next steps
Next generation technology Many new products Increasing customisation Expensive initial outlay but also require ongoing monitoring costs Focus on more predictive technologies Look at reasons for admissions Engagement with further call centres Grant from NHSE to pilot and evaluate a sample
Apps for everything! For visual impairment For hearing impairment For communication difficulties For memory difficulties For autism For falls and mobility issues For monitoring your health, exercise or diet For managing a specific condition For co-ordinating your care
The considerations for using apps Reliability – battery and signal Data ownership and security Data transferability Ability to use smart phone Technical support Costs – up front and ongoing Professional knowledge Health apps reviewed
Culture shift How to change professionals practice Trust the technology to inform when a visit is needed Change practice: from routine follow up to visit as needed from face to face contact to using other media GPs and telehealth at scale
Evidence Evidence for TEC has been mixed. WSD was inconclusive for many reasons CSED worked on a model of avoided costs ATT commissioned an independent evaluation done by the University of Bedfordshire 2012-4 No difference in acute hospital utilisation 20% fewer contacts with GP 40% more telephone contacts with community staff
Demonstrating outcomes To secure investment in TEC need to demonstrate outcomes Business cases based on cost saving evidence not avoided costs Ability to demonstrate cost saving in the real world where service users receive multiple interventions – a problem of attribution. Use DOH method applied to 39 councils demonstrated £1163 gross or £890 net savings pa per user