A new age for Thermal Comfort ErP & Energy labeling A new age for Thermal Comfort
ErP/Labeling (summary) Solid fuel boilers (Lot 15) Boilers (Lot 1) Index 31/03/2017 Legislation context ErP/Labeling (summary) Solid fuel boilers (Lot 15) Boilers (Lot 1) Water heaters (Lot 2)
The legislation context (20/20/20) EU Target on energy consumption not completely reached… …New / Existing portfolio measures to be adopted/ integrated by countries (with local specificities) Main laws & their upgrades (to be nationally adopted) In line with 2020 target Incoming… (at the same time for all countries) NOT in line with 2020 target
Policies for sustainable growth 31/03/2017 The legislation context Policies for sustainable growth 2002 2012 2008 2014 2016 Air Quality Dir. 2008/50/EC Before 2002 Main legislations entered into force EPBD Dir. 2002/91/EC RES Directive 2009/28/EC ERP Regulation & Labelling EPBD Recast 2010/31/EC Main EU laws and related messages EED Dir. 2012/27/EU Dwellings Products Services Energy labels Reqs on new, but also Renovation reqs start to be adopted RES obligation (New) District heating promoted Smart meters & Building Automation Control Systems Local electricity generation (PV, Mchp) Nearly Zero Energy buildings Energy / Quality labels Minimum techn. system performances (New/Retro) – ban of low efficient products (i.e. EWH) RES obligation (New) RES promotion (Retro) – incentive schemes Periodical Sys inspection Emission limits in urban areas PA as example (purchase only HE products) Istallers qualifications / energy audits Utilities energy savings targets enhanced Energy savings markets (white certificates) development Renewable energies markets (green certificates) ESCO’s promotion Hourly energy tariffs (Smart Grid)
ENERGY RELATED PRODUCTS (ErP) ErP/Labeling - summary ErP Labeling European Regulations (implementing meausures of 2009/125/eu Directive; valid in the whole European Union, without national adoptons, variations, delays etc.) What are they? Binding to bear the EC mark ENERGY RELATED PRODUCTS (ErP) (Thermal confort technologies) Boilers, Water heaters, Air conditioners, Heat pumps, storage tanks, ventilators, circulators… supplied by electricity, gas, oil, solid fuels, liquid fuels etc. Technologies have been initially grouped in different Lots leading to specific implementing measures Covered products Minimum energy Performances + Environmental requirements (emissions, noise, dismantling etc.) different by technologies Energy labels (products & packages) Technical fiches (products & packages) Technical/promotional materials including energy performance info What they establish?
Binding to bear the EC mark ErP/Labeling - summary ErP Labeling European Regulations (implementing meausures of 2009/125/eu Directive; valid in the whole European Union, without national adoptons, variations, delays etc.) What are they? Binding to bear the EC mark SUPPLIER (product’s resp on the market) Places on the market products ErP-compliant; Places on the market products provided with: (product and/or package) Energy labels; (product and/or package) Technical fiches; Technical advertisements or promotions with info about product/package energy class; DEALER The exhibited devices or packages are equipped with the respective labels, In case it is not expected for the end user to see the exhibited device, this is sold together with the information on energy efficiency; Technical advertisements or promotions with info about product/package energy class; Resp.ties
Solid fuel boiler ErP/Labeling regulation: Timing In progress Regulatory Committee June-July 2014 ?? (2018?) 2022 10.03.14 Compromise on ErP requirements for solid fuel boilers (Lot 15) and solid fuel local space heaters (Lot 20) has been reached. The Energy Labellng was not discussed at this meeting. Ecodesign reqs (Boilers) P ≤ 1.000 kW (Local) P ≤ 50 kW Expected vote in the Regulatory Committee on Ecodesign requirements Ecodesign requirements entry into force Efficiencies Emissions SF - Boilers - Local SH Label mandatory Labeling (Boilers) P ≤ 70 kW (Local) P ≤ 50 kW
Solid fuel local space heaters (Lot 20) Solid fuel boilers (Lot 15) Solid fuel boiler ErP/Labeling regulation: requirements In progress Solid fuel local space heaters (Lot 20) Solid fuel boilers (Lot 15) By 2022 By 2022 Efficiency Open fronted Closed fronted Closed pellets Cookers ηs ≥ 42% ≥ 70% ≥ 79% ≥ 65% Efficiency P ≤ 20 kW P > 20 kW ηs ≥ 75% ≥ 77% By 2022 By 2022 Emissions
Solid fuel local space heaters (Lot 20) Solid fuel boilers (Lot 15) Solid fuel boiler ErP/Labeling regulation: labelling In progress Solid fuel local space heaters (Lot 20) Solid fuel boilers (Lot 15) I. supplier’s name or trade mark; II. supplier’s model identifier; III. the energy efficiency class,; IV.- V. the symbol for direct heat output symbol and its value in kW, VI.- VII. for local space heaters with heat transfer to a fluid the symbol for indirect heat output and its value in kW, I. supplier’s name or trade mark; II. supplier’s model identifier; III. the space heating function; IV. the energy efficiency class, V. the rated heat output in kW, VI. for combination boilers, the water heating function. Package label
HOT WATER STORAGE TANKS ErP/Labeling – Space Heaters & Water heaters ErP Labeling European Regulations (implementing meausures of 2009/125/eu Directive; valid in the whole European Union, without national adoptons, variations, delays etc.) What are they? Binding to bear the EC mark Minimum energy Performances + Environmental requirements (emissions, noise, dismantling etc.) different by technologies Energy labels (products & packages) Technical fiches (products & packages) Technical/promotional materials including energy performance info What they establish? BOILERS (gas, electrical, oil) HEAT PUMPS (gas, electrical, oil) mCHP (≤ 50 kW electrical power) WATER HEATERS (gas, elettrici, oli) RENEWABLE WHs (solar / HPWH) HOT WATER STORAGE TANKS Covered products P ≤ 400 kW P ≤ 70 kW V ≤ 2.000 lt V ≤ 500 lt
Dates of adoption & main contents – Space Heaters 31/03/2017 Entry into force 26.09.15 26.09.17 26.09.18 26.09.19 26.09.13 Boilers HP Mchp Label mandatory Classes: A++ / G Update Intro new classes Labeling (P < 70 Kw) Minimum Perf (P < 400 kW) First tier “Only HE”. Second tier Only for HP 56 mg/kWh (gas) 120 mg/kWh (oil) Others (mCHP, GAHP) Other requis (P < 400 kW) Sound level Only for HP ≤ 6 kW NOx
Dates of adoption & main contents – Water Heaters Entry into force 26.09.15 26.09.17 26.09.18 26.09.19 26.09.13 WH HPWH Label mandatory Classes: A / G Update Intro new classes Labeling (P < 70 Kw) Minimum perf (P < 400 kW) First tier ‘light’ Second tier ‘serious’ Third tier Only for big capacity WH 56 mg/kWh (gas) 120 mg/kWh (oil) Others (mCHP, GAHP) Other reqs. (P < 400 kW) Sound level Only for HP <=6 kW NOx Label mandatory (Only for V < 500 l) Performance limits Only for V < 2.000 l) Storage tanks
Dates of adoption & responsibilities Regulations will only apply to products’ on the market since 26/09/2015; those purchased before that date, and already available in sale points or distributors’ warehouses, will continue to be sold and installed, even though they are not in compliance with the new standards. by 26/09/2015… SUPPLIER (product’s resp on the market) Places on the market products ErP-compliant; Places on the market products provided with: (product and/or package) Energy labels; (product and/or package) Technical fiches; Technical advertisements or promotions with info about product/package energy class; DEALER The exhibited devices or packages are equipped with the respective labels, In case it is not expected for the end user to see the exhibited device, this is sold together with the information on energy efficiency; Technical advertisements or promotions with info about product/package energy class;
Thermo-regulating device Product and Package Labels: the principle PACKAGES Package label can be filled by the supplier and by the dealer (distributor, installer, …). It must be exhibited to the end user; Products Product’s label is provided by supplier Dealer (i.e. distributor, installer etc.).has to exhibit the label; Solar tank Solar collector Thermo-regulating device Supplementary heater Supplementary heater
Product and Package Labels: description HHP EWH Different label’s layout by technologies, but the same energy classes: comparability
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