Introduction to T-SQL Querying 20761B 2: Introduction to T-SQL Querying Module 2 Introduction to T-SQL Querying
Understanding the Logical Order of Operations in SELECT Statements 20761B Module Overview 2: Introduction to T-SQL Querying Understanding the Logical Order of Operations in SELECT Statements This lesson is designed as a very high level overview of T-SQL language elements, positioning the various keywords for further coverage in subsequent modules. Do not take too much presentation time going into detailed syntax. However, an overview of set-based theory versus a more procedural approach would benefit the students.
Lesson 1: Introducing T-SQL 20761B Lesson 1: Introducing T-SQL 2: Introduction to T-SQL Querying Demonstration: T-SQL Language Elements The purpose of this module is to describe the T-SQL language, to explore its elements in a “just enough” approach, and to introduce the concepts behind the logical order of operations in evaluating a SELECT statement. This module is designed to spend more time on the lecture than in the lab. Do not concentrate too much on the details of the language elements as many of them will receive full coverage in subsequent modules. It is important to the course structure that students start to develop an understanding of the logical order of operations in evaluating a SELECT statement. Take them through the slides, especially making it clear that the SELECT clause is nearly the last one to be evaluated. This will make learning about topics, such as the GROUP BY clause and the aggregate functions, much easier in later modules. Question From the following T-SQL elements, select the one that does not contain an expression: ( )Option 1: SELECT FirstName, LastName, SkillName AS Skill, GetDate() - DOB AS Age ( )Option 2: WHERE HumanResources.Department.ModifiedDate > (SYSDATETIME() - 31) ( )Option 3: JOIN HumanResources.Skills ON Employees.ID = Skills.EmployeeID ( )Option 4: WHERE Skill.Level + Skill.Confidence > 10 Answer (√) Option -2: JOIN HumanResources.Skills ON Employees.ID = Skills.EmployeeID
Structured Query Language (SQL) 20761B About T-SQL 2: Introduction to T-SQL Querying Structured Query Language (SQL) Developed by IBM in the 1970s Adopted by ANSI and ISO standards bodies Widely used in the industry PL/SQL (Oracle), SQL Procedural Language (IBM), Transact-SQL (Microsoft) Transact-SQL is commonly referred to as T-SQL The querying language of SQL Server 2016 SQL is declarative Describe what you want, not the individual steps Expand on the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and International Standards Organization (ISO). For example, SQL-98 through to SQL-2011. The name of the language was originally SEQUEL, standing for Structured English QUEry Language (emphasis on English). A trademark dispute with a UK-based company forced a change to SQL but its foundation as an English-like language remains. T-SQL is a declarative English-like language, where you outline instructions in an English-like manner. You focus on the "what" part in your request, and let the implementation (the database platform) focus on the "how" aspect. For additional reading on procedural versus declarative, set-based approaches to programming databases, see Joe Celko's Thinking in Sets: Auxiliary, Temporal, and Virtual Tables in SQL (Morgan Kaufman, 2008).
Categories of T-SQL Statements 20761B Categories of T-SQL Statements 2: Introduction to T-SQL Querying DML* Data Manipulation Language Used to query and manipulate data SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE DDL Data Definition Language Used to define database objects CREATE, ALTER, DROP DCL Data Control Language Used to manage security permissions GRANT, REVOKE, DENY *DML with SELECT is the focus of this course
T-SQL Language Elements 20761B T-SQL Language Elements 2: Introduction to T-SQL Querying Predicates and Operators Functions Variables Expressions Batch Separators Control of Flow Comments This slide is an overview of the next seven slides and can be used to introduce what’s coming up. As an introduction, tell the students that many of these language elements will be covered in more detail in subsequent modules.
T-SQL Language Elements: Predicates and Operators 20761B T-SQL Language Elements: Predicates and Operators 2: Introduction to T-SQL Querying Elements: Predicates and Operators: Predicates ALL, ANY, BETWEEN, IN, LIKE, OR, SOME Comparison Operators =, >, <, >=, <=, <>, !=, !>, !< Logical Operators AND, OR, NOT Arithmetic Operators *, /, %, +, -, Concatenation + These predicates and operators are given as a simple reference point. Many of them will be used in subsequent modules (such as filtering data). Use this to fill in any gaps in student knowledge, but don’t get too bogged down in details. At this point, recognizing where these might be used is more important than knowing the details of each one.
T-SQL Language Elements: Functions 20761B T-SQL Language Elements: Functions 2: Introduction to T-SQL Querying String Functions SUBSTRING LEFT, RIGHT LEN REPLACE REPLICATE UPPER, LOWER LTRIM, RTRIM STUFF SOUNDEX Date and Time Functions GETDATE SYSDATETIME GETUTCDATE DATEADD DATEDIFF YEAR MONTH DAY DATENAME DATEPART ISDATE Aggregate Functions SUM MIN MAX AVG COUNT COUNT_BIG STDEV STDEVP VAR Point out that there are many other functions built into SQL Server (and hence T-SQL). This topic is designed to introduce the concept to support the examples in the course. Some of these functions, such as YEAR, SYSDATETIME() and GETDATE(), are used in examples in the course. Use this topic to briefly introduce the idea of built-in functions and how to use the SQL Server Technical Documentation for further reference.
T-SQL Language Elements: Variables 2: Introduction to T-SQL Querying Local variables in T-SQL temporarily store a value of a specific data type Name begins with single @ sign @@ reserved for system functions Assigned a data type Must be declared and used within the same batch In SQL Server 2016, you can declare and initialize a variable in the same statement For students learning T-SQL for the purpose of writing reports, point out that variables are not used in stand-alone queries, but will be used by database developers for the following additional purposes: Parameters in functions, stored procedures. Counter for loops. Point out that, just like user variables, system functions can be invoked in SELECT statements. DECLARE @search varchar(30) = 'Match%';
T-SQL Language Elements: Expressions 20761B T-SQL Language Elements: Expressions 2: Introduction to T-SQL Querying Combination of identifiers, values, and operators evaluated to obtain a single result Can be used in SELECT statements SELECT clause WHERE clause Can be single constant, single-valued function, or variable Can be combined if expressions have the same data type The purpose of this topic is to introduce the idea of inline data manipulation in queries or predicates. (This is a partial example for illustration only; this code will not run without modification.) SELECT YEAR(orderdate) + 1 ... SELECT qty * unitprice ...
T-SQL Language Elements: Control of Flow, Errors, and Transactions 20761B T-SQL Language Elements: Control of Flow, Errors, and Transactions 2: Introduction to T-SQL Querying Control of Flow IF … ELSE WHILE BREAK CONTINUE BEGIN … END WAITFOR Error Handling TRY CATCH THROW Transaction Control BEGIN TRANSACTION ROLLBACK TRANSACTION COMMIT TRANSACTION ROLLBACK WORK SAVE TRANSACTION Point out that these elements will be further discussed later in the course. The above are used in programmatic code objects
T-SQL Language Elements: Comments 20761B T-SQL Language Elements: Comments 2: Introduction to T-SQL Querying Two methods for marking text as comments A block comment, surround text with /* and */ An inline comment, precede text with -- Many T-SQL editors will color comments as above Give students the example of commenting out a block of code that is no longer required, by using a block comment. /* All the text in this paragraph will be treated as comments by SQL Server. */ -- This is an inline comment
T-SQL Language Elements: Batch Separators 2: Introduction to T-SQL Querying Batches are sets of commands sent to SQL Server as a unit Batches determine variable scope, name resolution To separate statements into batches, use a separator: SQL Server tools use the GO keyword GO is not an SQL Server T-SQL command GO [count] executes the preceding batch [count] times The batch terminator keyword is determined by the client tool. See the GO command in the SQL Server Technical Documentation: GO (Transact-SQL)
Lesson 2: Understanding Sets 20761B Lesson 2: Understanding Sets 2: Introduction to T-SQL Querying Set Theory Applied to SQL Server Queries
The Set Theory and SQL Server 20761B The Set Theory and SQL Server 2: Introduction to T-SQL Querying Characteristics of a Set Example Elements of a set called Members Customer as a member of set called Customers Elements of a set are described by attributes First name, Last name, Age Elements must be unique Customer ID Set theory asks you to consider objects as a whole—for example, a table. Emphasize that set theory does not have any requirement regarding the order of members. Set theory does not specify the order of its members
Set Theory Applied to SQL Server Queries 20761B Set Theory Applied to SQL Server Queries 2: Introduction to T-SQL Querying Application of Set Theory Comments Acts on all elements at once Query the whole table Use set-based processing Tell the engine what you want to retrieve Avoid cursors or loops Do not process each item individually Members of a set must be unique Define unique keys in a table No defined order to result set Use ORDER BY clause if results need to be ordered Acts upon all elements—this means thinking at the table or database level, not the row level. Tell the engine what you want to retrieve: “Display information about all customers whose city is Portland”, versus: Tell the engine how to retrieve it: “Examine one row at a time. If the city is Portland, display this row. Move to next row…” Unique keys are how you ensure that a table is a set in SQL.
Lesson 3: Understanding Predicate Logic 20761B Lesson 3: Understanding Predicate Logic 2: Introduction to T-SQL Querying Predicate Logic Applied to SQL Server Queries Question From the following T-SQL elements, select the one that can include a predicate: ( )Option 1: WHERE clauses ( )Option 2: JOIN conditions ( )Option 3: HAVING clauses ( )Option 4: WHILE statements ( )Option 5: All of the above Answer (√) Option -2: All of the above
Predicate Logic and SQL Server 20761B Predicate Logic and SQL Server 2: Introduction to T-SQL Querying Predicate logic is another mathematical basis for the relational database model In theory, a predicate is a property or expression that is either true or false Predicate is also referred to as a Boolean expression The formal definition of predicate logic does not specify how to handle unknown, or null, values. This topic presents an opportunity to introduce the concept of NULL. Describe it not only as missing data, but also as unknown, inapplicable data. For example, data may be NULL if it’s missing—what is the mobile phone number of a person who has not supplied the number? It may be NULL because the value is inapplicable—what is the mobile number of a person with no mobile phone?
Predicate Logic Applied to SQL Server Queries 20761B Predicate Logic Applied to SQL Server Queries 2: Introduction to T-SQL Querying Uses for Predicates Filtering data in queries Providing conditional logic to CASE expressions Joining tables Defining subqueries Enforcing data integrity Control of flow Filtering data: WHERE clause, for example WHERE age > 21. Joining tables: ON filter, for example FROM table1 JOIN table2 ON table1.col1 = table2.col3. Defining subqueries: EXISTS test, for example WHERE EXISTS (SELECT name FROM … Enforcing data integrity: CHECK constraint, for example CHECK (salary > 0). Control of flow: IF and WHILE statements. The topics of NULL, WHERE, HAVING, ON, subqueries, WHILE, and IF are discussed in further detail in subsequent modules. Students will encounter many uses of predicates in this course.
Demonstration: Logical Query Processing 20761B Lesson 4: Understanding the Logical Order of Operations in SELECT Statements 2: Introduction to T-SQL Querying Demonstration: Logical Query Processing Logical Query Processing order is the conceptual interpretation order of the query clauses, defining the accuracy of the query and its result. Due to optimization, SQL Server can rearrange that order when physically processing the query in certain cases—but only when it can still guarantee the accuracy of the result, as defined by the logical query processing order.
Elements of a SELECT Statement 20761B Elements of a SELECT Statement 2: Introduction to T-SQL Querying Element Expression Role SELECT <select list> Defines which columns to return FROM <table source> Defines table(s) to query WHERE <search condition> Filters returned data using a predicate GROUP BY <group by list> Arranges rows by groups HAVING Filters groups by a predicate ORDER BY <order by list> Sorts the results Briefly describe the elements of a SELECT statement, without going into too much detail. The focus of this lesson is understanding the order in which clauses are evaluated. The syntax of use of each clause will be covered in subsequent modules. The order of evaluation is from top to bottom.
Logical Query Processing 20761B Logical Query Processing 2: Introduction to T-SQL Querying 5. SELECT <select list> 1. FROM <table source> 2. WHERE <search condition> 3. GROUP BY <group by list> 4. HAVING <search condition> 6. ORDER BY <order by list> Note that, for the purposes of this discussion, TOP, DISTINCT and OVER are omitted. The order in which a query is written is not the order in which it is evaluated by SQL Server
Applying the Logical Order of Operations to Writing SELECT Statements 20761B Applying the Logical Order of Operations to Writing SELECT Statements 2: Introduction to T-SQL Querying USE TSQL; SELECT EmployeeId, YEAR(OrderDate) AS OrderYear FROM Sales.Orders WHERE CustomerId = 71 GROUP BY EmployeeId, YEAR(OrderDate) HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 ORDER BY EmployeeId, OrderYear;