Industry Board Meeting Shawn Guice & Kevin Pollak Society of Petroleum Engineers Shawn Guice & Kevin Pollak 2015-2016 TAMU SPE President | 2013-2014 TAMU SPE Treasurer College Station, TX September 18, 2015
SPE at Texas A&M University Providing opportunities for students to enhance technical and professional skills 1932 The Petroleum Engineering-Geology Club 1940 Petroleum Engineering Club (PETE Club) 1969 Society of Petroleum Engineers 2015 1,464 student members! Second largest SPE student chapter Largest organization at Texas A&M University 100+ events planned for 2015-2016
Graduate Representative Professional Development Structure President Shawn Guice Vice President Courtney Brown Treasurer Kevin Ding Secretary Karin Gonzalez Graduate Representative Johannes Alvarez Professional Development Abdalla Ali Marketing Assiya Suleimenova Public Relations Nicholas Wiewiorowski Networking Raul Gonzalez Hospitality & Tailgating Career Development Media External Affairs Over 160 Volunteers Social & Sport Conferences Merchandise Outreach DVG Golf Tournament Petrobowl The Well Log Philanthropy Sporting Clay Tournament Technical Development Recruitment Fishing Tournament
Our Activities – Developing Leaders Technical 14 General Meetings 16 Lunch & Learns 8 Software Training and Field Trips 1 PetroQuiz Competition (petroleum trivia) 2 Conferences (ATCE, Student Symposium) Professional Career Enhancement Event (petroleum job fair) Resume & Interview Workshops Mock Interview Sessions Leadership Workshop 3 “Meet the Industry” Talks
214 students looking for Full-Time Career Enhancement Event Memorial Student Center, Friday 11 September 2015 Attendance of 637 students 24 companies with 74 recruiters 214 students looking for Full-Time Freshmen 26 Sophomore 100 Junior 180 Senior 137 Masters 110 PhD 84
Our Activities – Giving Back Outreach 4 Elementary & High-School Visits 2 Rational Middle Energy Sessions 2 WIN Energy Panel Energy Day in Houston CEA-SCONA National Affairs Conference Philanthropy SPE Cares Habitat for Humanity Scotty’s House Big Event
Our Activities – Networking Fundraising & Social Golf Tournament Fishing Tournament Clays Tournament 7 Football Tailgates 14 Social Events (Christmas Party, Crawfish Boil, etc.) Communications TAMU-SPE Newsletter ( SPE GCS Newsletter (monthly publication) SPE Board Meetings (SPE-GCS & GCS-YPs) Website & Social Media
Student Chapter Awards 2015 Outstanding Chapter 2014 Gold Standard Chapter 2013 Gold Standard Chapter 2012 Outstanding Chapter 2011 Gold Standard Chapter 2010 Gold Standard Chapter 2009 Outstanding Chapter 2008 Gold Standard Chapter 2007 Outstanding Chapter 2006 Outstanding Chapter 2004 Outstanding Chapter 2003 Outstanding Chapter 2002 Outstanding Chapter 1996 Outstanding Chapter 1995 Outstanding Chapter Award ceremony during the 2015 ATCE Region and Section Awards Reception
Our Model is Working, but Times are Tough Challenged commodity price Continued competition for financial support (amongst other universities and departments) 214 graduating students seeking full-time employment Underlying message is professional development and jobs Requirement for career enhancement activities and networking events has never been higher
Endowment Solution TAMU SPE Endowment Predictable Funding Establish endowment with The Foundation Predictable Funding Typical endowment payout: 4-5% of principle Sustainable Events Guarantee funding for Career Enhancement & job-placement events Funds will be used exclusively for SPE events that aim to enhance the technical and professional competencies of the student i.e: Career placement events, networking events, technical forums, training, and industry seminars Things they can go to and hand out a resume or things they can go to to grow their resume Funds required to create opportunites
Endowment Proposal + Fund Career & Technical Development ≈ $25,000 Career Enhancement Event (petroleum job fair) Resume & Interview Workshops Mock Interview Sessions 8 Software Training and Field Trips Leadership Workshop + ≈ $25,000 Endowment is about jobs Leave lasting impact on TAMU SPE SPE brings the most O&G companies to campus – best chance for student jobs Financial independence Required endowment target: $500,000
Industry Board Meeting Society of Petroleum Engineers Shawn Guice 2015-2016 TAMU SPE President Kevin Pollak 2013-2014 TAMU SPE Treasurer