- Buying a house a big decision. - Just like a new product/service of a company, buying a new house should be considered an investment. - Wildly Successful Project (Return of Investment) - A great place to live - A great place to sell - Making such a big investment should not be considered a simple task, but there are specific tools to improve the decision-taking process.
T HE SAD REALITY... - Insufficient broad criteria. (# of bedrooms + budget) - Usually follow instincts and/or emotions and fall in love with their ideas. In the early stages of a new product project we make many assumptions in order to justify the project. – Robert Cooper - No time planning. - Not enough research. - The only experienced opinion they get are from brokers, who are usually more interested in the financial aspect of the business than in the decision itself.
- By leading, directing, and advising, Home Sweet Home will help the costumer throughout the process of purchasing a house. - Home Sweet Home gets no comission on the house sale. It is a pre-paid service, with a fixed price. - With real estate expertise and an impartial point of view, Home Sweet Home will guide the costumer from house-hunting until closing the deal and all the necessary steps inbetween that are usually ignored by people. H OME S WEET H OME W E ARE MORE THAN A REAL ESTATE FIRM, WE ARE DECISION GUIDES.
Ideation Surface Evaluation Detailed Evaluation Surface Evaluation Screen Detailed Evaluation Screen Ideation Screen H OME S WEET H OME W E ARE MORE THAN A REAL ESTATE FIRM, WE ARE DECISION GUIDES. CDFTestingDeployLaunchPLR Deployment Gate Testing Gate CDF Gate Non-negotiables
NSPD FUNNEL 1. S TATE N. N. AND CREATE B ROAD C RITERIA BROAD CRITERIA (discussed with HSH) 1. # of bedrooms, # of bathrooms, # of suites 2. Size (min. and max.) 3. Home office? 4. Schools, hospitals, drugstores (how close) 5. Nearby transportation 6. Styles you like. 7. Furnished? Is it good or bad? 8. Specifics such as closet, floor #, view, kitchen, pool, backyard, etc. In this process, people should number their priorities. Non-negotiable 1. Country, state, city, neighborhoods 2. Budget
Home Sweet Home will contact different Real Estate Firms, give them your N.N. and gather several houses for the Idea Bank.
NSPD FUNNEL 3. I DEATION S CREEN (I MPLEMENT B.C.) Out of the houses provided by the real estate firms, 7 houses that fit into your broad criteria will be selected. The ideation screen will be done by Home Sweet Home and filtered according to the priorities list on B.C.
E XAMPLE OF IDEATION SCREEN FILTER 1. 3 bedrooms with at least 2 bathrooms and 1 suite (50) 2. Furnished (35) 3. From 200 to 400 m2 (27) 4. School (max. 5 minutes by car) (22) 5. Hospital (max. 20 minutes by car) (21) 6. No more than 2 floors (15) 7. Big kitchen (7) - STOP minutes from work 9. Pool 1. # of bedrooms, # of bathrooms, # of suites 2. Size (min. and max.) 3. Home office? 4. Schools, hospitals, drugstores… 5. Nearby transportation 6. Styles you like 7. Furnished? Is it good or bad? 8. Specifics such as closet, floor #, view, kitchen, pool, backyard, etc. * In this case, you cannot go back to the idea bank and create more ideas.
NSPD FUNNEL 4. E XPANSION AND S ERVICE E VALUATION Costumer and specialized HSH member visit the houses. They check if the houses need improvement and how they can be improved.
A specialized member of Home Sweet Home will estimate the budget of those improvements and select the three houses that have the lowest value + improvement.
EXAMPLE New bathrooms: 5,000$ New windows: 2,000$ New roof: 6,000$ Security System: 1,000$ Air conditioners: 1,500$ New doors: 2,000$ New interior design: 8,000$
NSPD FUNNEL 6. D ETAILED E VALUATION In 22 percent of the failed projects, no detailed market study was done at all. – R.C. HSH will research on: future constructions in the area value of similar nearby houses value forecasting
NSPD FUNNEL 7. D ETAILED E VALUATION S CREEN HSH will select the house that has: - the lowest value compared to market price. - the highest probability of valuing in the future. Considering the facts: - no future constructions will interfere with the house in a negative way.
NSPD FUNNEL 8. C ROSS -F UNCTIONAL D EVELOPMENT In this stage the customer, together with HSH will consult professionals such as: - Lawyers - Financial Experts - Architects - Interior Designers = $
NSPD FUNNEL 9. CFD G ATE A HSH member will check if the following professionals give the ok on the house that was selected.
NSPD FUNNEL 10. T ESTING A member of HSH will go to the house at a different time of day than the one visited first. A House Inspection Service will check the physical aspects of the house, such as piping and electrics. HSH will try to find out why previous owners are selling the house.
NSPD FUNNEL 11. T ESTING G ATE A HSH specialist will evaluate the reports on the out-of-time visit, reasons for selling and the House Inspection report. If everything is according to expected, the customer will be lead to the deployment gate.
NSPD FUNNEL 12. D EPLOYMENT Get everything ready to close the deal: - Documents - $$$ - Furniture transportation and packing service
NSPD FUNNEL 13. D EPLOYMENT G ATE Home Sweet Home will check if the costumer has everything ready.
NSPD FUNNEL 14. L AUNCH Close the deal!!!
NSPD FUNNEL 15. P OST L AUNCH R EVIEW Now that you have closed the deal and is happily living in your new home, you can evaluate if you did a WSP. Post launch adaptations are possible, such as renovations. Evaluate if your criteria were right for your needs. People, companies and costumers are evolving beings, in constant change. Criteria should also change over time.
Unexpected Opportunities If unexpected opportunities should come up, such as a great deal in very short time, Home Sweet Home offers an express service at an extra charge, where the process will be done in very short time. Home Sweet Home does not advise skipping any of the stages, no matter how good the deal is.