Coalitions for Health Improvement Grant County February 13, 2018 Leading the way in North Central Washington’s Healthcare Transformation
HUB Lead Agency and Partners TBD Overall Structure (as of 1/8/18) NCACH Governing Board Whole Person Care Network Whole Person Care Collaborative Coalitions for Health Improvement Primary means for broad community-level input; members may be involved in planning and/or implementation of Demonstration Projects WPCC Workgroup HIT/HIE Workgroup HUB Workgroup Transitional Care/ Diversion Interventions Workgroup Regional Opioid Workgroup PLANNING: board appointed planning and monitoring groups that inform decision-making Coaches, Consultants, Faculty WPCC Learning Community Chelan/ Douglas CHI HUB Lead Agency and Partners TBD TBD NCW Opioid Stakeholders Group Okanogan Opioid Stakeholders Group TESTING/IMPLEMENTATION: Partners involved in implementation of Demonstration Projects and potentially receiving funding Grant CHI Okanogan CHI
The CHIs are intended to engage a wide variety of partners in the mission and work of the NCACH. Each Coalition will provide input to the Governing Board on significant issues directly related and material to NCACH’s mission and activities, including needs assessment and local health data; community health improvement plans and priorities; health improvement initiatives: and delivery system transformation. -NCACH website
March: Project Incentive Workgroup Projects Implementation Timeline – January 9, 2018 2017 DY1 2018 DY2 2019 DY3 2020 DY4 2021 DY5 By November 16 Preliminary Project Plan due to HCA Expected outcomes Preliminary Implementation approach and timing Partnering Providers Regional Assets, anticipated challenges and proposed solutions Monitoring and continuous improvement Sustainability Nov 2017 – Feb 2018 Assess current state capacity Select Target population Select Evidence-Based Approach and strategies March 2018 – June 2018 Designate HUB lead agency Identify implementation partners and binding letters of intent Financial Sustainability, Workforce, Population Health Management strategies By December 31 Identify and document the adoption by partnering providers of payment models that support transitional care, diversion activities, and the transition to value-based payment for services Engage MCOs to develop/refine model benefits aligned with evidence-based clinical guideline-concordant care and best practice recommendations Define path forward to deploy expertise, structures, and capabilities to address yet-to-emerge public health challenges Continuous quality improvement Identify and document the adoption by partnering providers of payment models that support the HUB care coordination model and the transition to value based payment for services Increase scale by adding partners/new communities, focus areas, or pathways Use data to inform decision regarding specific strategies to be spread to additional settings/geographic areas Convene/support platforms to facilitate shared learning/exchange of best practices to date Provide/support ongoing training, technical assistance, and/or learning collaboratives to support continuation and expansion By March 31 Adopt guidelines, policies, procedures, and protocols By June 30 Completed and Approved Quality Improvement Plan Begin reporting on QIP measures semi-annually Convene/leverage local partnerships to implement project Transitional Care and Diversion Interventions Opioid Project Pathways Community HUB All Workgroups (TC/DI; Opioid; Pathways) By September 30 Completed Implementation Plan By December 31 Implement Projects Plan to address gaps in recovering support services Launch the HUB GOALS: Reduce opioid related-morbidity and mortality through prevention, treatment and recovery supports Ensure people are getting the right care in the right place by improving transitional care services. Promote more appropriate use of emergency care services through increased access to primary care and social services. Improved and sustainable care coordination across the continuum of care P4R Payments March: Project Incentive May: DY2 P4R Nov: DY2 P4R Nov: DY3 P4R P4P Measurement May: DY3 P4R DY3 P4P Baseline DY4 P4P Baseline May 2021: DY4 P4R Nov. 2021: DY5 P4R May 2022: DY5 P4R DY5 P4P Baseline Nov: DY4 P4R April 2021: DY3 P4P April 2022: DY4 P4P April 2023: DY5 P4P P4P Payments DY3 P4P Meas. Year DY4 P4P Meas. Year DY5 P4P Meas. Year
Dec-17 Jan-18 Feb-18 Mar-18 Apr-18 May-18 Jun-18 Jul-18 WORKGROUP PROJECTS - PROPOSED PLANNING TIMELINE –January 9, 2018 Dec-17 Jan-18 Feb-18 Mar-18 Continue Current State Assessment (Initiative Matrix) and survey Exploration of Evidence Based Approaches, strategies and data gaps/needs Initiate a Current State Assessment for projects Finalize Current State Assessment Review and finalize selection of Evidence Based Approaches/strategies Domain I linkages discussion Finalize Current State Assessment Review draft Implementation Partner Application and scoring/funding criteria Initiate project funds flow discussion Finalize Implementation Partner Application and scoring/funding criteria Continue funds flow discussion Transitional Care and Diversion Interventions Workgroup Opioid Project All Workgroups (TC/DI; Opioid) Note: Care Coordination Workgroup (Pathways Community HUB) timeline is not shown here. Workgroup will begin meeting in 2018. Apr-18 May-18 Jun-18 Jul-18 Review received LOIs (LOIs from partners due June 8th, 2018 Discuss gaps and develop plan to address them Initiate draft Implementation Plan Draft Implementation Plan (including partner LOIs) Initiate continuous monitoring and improvement discussion Distribute Implementation Partner Application to potential partners Final funds flow document created (and budget for 2018 year funding) Review draft LOI for partners NCACH 2018 Annual Summit Review and select successful Implementation Partner Applications Initiate process for binding LOIs for partners Approval of final funding document for 2018 funding
Contact information NCACH Staff 509-886-6400 (main) Senator Linda Evans Parlette (Executive Director) – John Schapman (Transitional Care & Diversion Interventions Workgroup Lead; Operations Manager) – Christal Eshelman (Opioid Project Workgroup Lead; Pathways Community HUB Workgroup Lead; FIMC Workgroup Lead) – Peter Morgan (Director of Whole Person Care) – Sahara Suval (Communications Lead; CHI Liasion) Have an NCACH question? Reach out to Sahara Grant CHI Leads and Support Laina Mitchell (Grant Health) – Theresa Adkinson (Grant Health) – Amanda Rosales (Grant Health) –