Awareness raising sessions & thematic capacity building events


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Presentation transcript:

Awareness raising sessions & thematic capacity building events 1 EEN Scotland Services free to Scottish companies - funded by EC/SE/HIE International network of 4000+ Advisors Services Business research (legislation, contacts) Qualified introductions for agency/distribution, manufacturing, JV, co-development, licensing, collaborative projects... Scoping projects for EU funding (Horizon 2020, SME Instrument) In depth support for H2020 proposal scoping and development Jane Watters Knowledge Transfer Executive Marine and Offshore Renewables 0141 228 2792 EEN Intelligent Energy Sector Group All the logos???.... H2020 is complex and there is a lot of support available in Scotland The Scottish EU Research & Innovation Steering Group (all member logos included) Aim: Increase Scotland’s influence and strengthen our performance in terms of securing additional EU R&D and innovation funding Activities: Scottish Support Framework to enhance Scottish participation in EU R&D and innovation funding: Awareness raising sessions & thematic capacity building events Designated support to Scottish organisations, with focus on businesses, SMEs Mapping Europe 2020 “grand challenges” against Scottish Economic to identify priorities to align EU opportunities with Scottish strengths in sectors/industry/academia Team Scotland approach to better coordinate support for companies as well as key industries EEN role is in primarily supporting SMEs (so emphasis is on the SME instrument), promoting itand supporting companies to see if/where their project idea fits, find partners, and gain feedback on projects from NCPs. Caveat - Aim to cover the main parts of H2020 which are relevant for the food and drink industry – though there may be opportunities in other EU programmes…e.g. LIFE not covered Scottish Government Scottish Funding Council Scottish Enterprise Highlands and Islands Enterprise Scotland Europa Enterprise Europe Network Scotland Business Partnering at key events: SR Offshore Wind Conference Thetis 1