United States – Soviet Union (Russia) Relations The Cold War United States – Soviet Union (Russia) Relations
Roots of Cold War Problems prior and during World War II World War II Conferences Division of Berlin Eastern European National Sovereignty Policies and Organizations Events Define: Communism (click)- (2) Capitalism (click)- (2)
Problems prior and during World War II Takes USA 16 years to officially recognize USSR 1917-1933 USSR wanted a second front in Europe (1941-42) to divert Germans from the siege of Stalingrad USA does not give $6 Billion loan to USSR promised through Lend-Lease. ( Does give $3.75 billion to Britain) USSR not declare war on Japan till last weeks of war. USA does not share Atomic Secrets with Allies (USSR) USSR does not fulfill promise of free elections in occupied countries. Problems before or during World War II - It takes United States 16 years to recognize USSR. (1917-1933) - The Allies wait till 1945 to establish a 2nd Front against Germany that would have lessened the destruction and suffering of the Russian people from the German attack on Stalingrad. - USSR did not pull troops from occupied areas in Eastern Europe. - USA does NOT share atomic weapons technology with USSR. - USSR sets up ‘spheres of influence’ and does not permit free elections. - USA fears the spread of Communism adopts policy of ‘containment’
Conferences - Big Three Teheran, Iran- Nov. 1943 Yalta, Russia - Feb. 1945 Click here for Big Three Names s Issues Potsdam, Germany July, 1945 (Truman) Click here for New members of Big Three & Issues
Countries controlled by Soviet Union
Policies and Organizations Define the following Policy of Containment - Marshall Plan- Truman Doctrine- NATO- Warsaw Pact-
EVENTS Berlin Blockade - Korea Bay of Pigs (Cuba) - Cuban Missile Crisis
Division of Germany/Berlin Northwest part of Germany - occupied by British Southwest - France Southeast - United States Northeast - Soviet Union City of Berlin also divided by the four powers
Map Work- Europe