Assessing ROM and Strength of Shoulder and Ankle HOSA COMPETITION Assessing ROM and Strength of Shoulder and Ankle
Discussion What exactly is ROM? We know it stands for Range of Motion, but what does THAT mean? Why would we need to test someone’s ROM and Strength?
Motions of the Shoulder External Rotation Internal Rotation
ROM Test for External Rotation Ask athlete to place hand behind head Instructs to externally rotate by reaching down toward shoulder blade Step behind athlete to evaluate results and note how far they can stretch Compare to the other side Report result
ROM test for Internal Rotation Ask athlete to place back of hand on low back Instruct athlete to internally rotate by raising the hand up the back as high as possible Step behind athlete to evaluate results and note how far they can stretch Report results
Specific ROM test for the shoulder Ask athlete to perform the following ROM test without pain Adduction Abduction Flexion Extension Horizontal Abduction Horizontal Adduction
External Rotation: Strength Test Face the athlete and ask them to flex their elbows to 90 Place your hands on outside of their wrists Instruct athlete to push against your hands outward Report Observations Ex: Right is stronger than left
Internal Rotation: Strength Test Face the athlete and ask them to flex their elbows to 90 Place your hands on inside of their wrists Instruct athlete to push against your hands inward Report Observations Ex: Right is stronger than left
Extension of Shoulder: Strength Test Place your hand on the posterior elbow Instruct athlete to push against your resistance Check both sides Report Observations
Flexion of Shoulder: Strength Test Place your hand on the anterior aspect of elbow Instruct athlete to push forward/up as you push down Check other side Report results
Empty Can Test Instruct athlete to extend both arms forward and in a “V” position Instruct your athlete to point their thumbs downward Place your hands on both their wrists and have them push up while you push down Report findings
Practice Pair up and practice ROM and Strength test for the shoulder Report back to your seat in 10 minutes
ROM of the Ankle
Inversion and Eversion ROM Tests Instruct athlete to turn both ankles away from each other Compare bilaterally Then apply passive pressure Report observations Instruct athlete to turn both ankles inward so the soles of the feet face each other Compare bilaterally Then apply passive pressure Report observations
Plantar Flexion and Dorsiflexion ROM Dorisflexion Ask athlete to point the toes as far down as possible Observe and compare bilaterally Apply slight passive pressure for further range Report Findings Ask athlete to pull toes up far as possible Observe and compare bilaterally Apply slight passive pressure for further range Report Findings
Inversion Strength Test Hold the athlete’s ankle Place the other hand at the toes on the inside Instruct athlete to push inward against your resistance Check bilaterally Report Results
Eversion Strength Test Hold the athlete’s ankle Place the other hand at the toes on the outside Instruct athlete to push outward against your resistance Check bilaterally Report Results
Plantar Flexion Strength Test Hold the athlete’s ankle Place the other hand at the toes on the bottom Instruct athlete to push downward against your resistance Check bilaterally Report Results
Dorsiflexion Strength Test Hold the athlete’s ankle Place the other hand at the toes on the top of foot Instruct athlete to pull upward against your resistance Check bilaterally Report Results
Practice Pair up and practice strength and ROM testing for the ankle. Practice at your table and be finished in 10 minutes.