When considering a Grade II sprain and a Grade II strain; which statement is false? a. Both result in a 50% loss in the range of motion around the joint. b. Both injuries result in joint laxity. c. In both injuries there is a significant tear within the substance of the structure. d. Both injuries are the result of an increase of tension within the structure. e. Pain is a characteristic of both injury.
The following statements relate to mouth-guards The following statements relate to mouth-guards. Which statement is false? a. They can lessen the severity of dental injuries. b. They protect the temporo-mandibular joint from greater trauma. c. If a blow was taken to the mandible on the inferior surface, as in an upper-cut, the mouthguard would dissipate force. d. They play a role in reducing the amount of brain trauma in angular rotations. e. Poorly fitted guards can injure the T.M.J.
Consider the following list of structures to (:) Mechanisms of injury selections. Which one is false? a. Brain Contracoup: Acceleration-Deceleration b. Calcaniofibular Lig. : Inversion in Dorsiflexion c. Anterior Inferior Tib-fib: Ankle Dorsiflexion d. C5 Nerve Root : Extension of the neck and ipsilateral side flexion. e. Craniocervical Ligaments: Neck Rotation