Updating The executive summary Description of the School School’s Purpose Notable Achievements and Areas of Improvement Additional Information
Step 1: Begin process of updating the Executive Summary in GOOGLE CHROME. Go to AdvancED at www.advanc-ed.org. Select LOG IN.
Step 2: Login using district email address and password Step 2: Login using district email address and password. New Users require an ACCESS CODE. Principals may obtain an ACCESS CODE by contacting Dianna Weinbaum at dianna.weinbaum@palmbeachschools.org.
Once Logged in: Step 3: Select ASSIST from the menu choices.
Step 4: Enter school name in box under INSTITUTION. Select SEARCH.
Step 5: Click on your school’s name.
Step 7: Select the Component titled EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.
Step 8: Select COPY. This will copy all of the previous information into a new report.
FY14 ABC Elementary School Executive Summary Step 9: In the DESCRIPTION box, type YEAR NAME OF SCHOOL EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (see above). Select COPY. The copy appear In Progress.
Step 10: Begin update of the Executive Summary by selecting the first section labeled DESCRIPTION OF THE SCHOOL.
Step 11: Select RESPOND.
1 2 Step 12: (1) Update information directly into this section, as appropriate. (2) Select SAVE AND CONTINUE. The system will automatically move forward to the next section of the EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.
2 1 Once you reach the last section of the Executive Summary: Step 13: (1) Select COMPLETE. (2) A confirmation box will appear, select YES, COMPLETE.
Step 14: Select PUBLISH. This will allow the public to view the updated Executive Summary on AdvancED’s website at www.advanc-ed.org.
The Executive Summary has been updated The Executive Summary has been updated. Print a PDF of published version to show to your School Advisory Council.
FOR PUBLIC VIEWING: The public may view the published Executive Summary on the AdvancED website at www.advanc-ed.org. Select FIND ACCREDITED SCHOOLS.
Type in the INSTITUTION NAME (School Name). Select SEARCH.
Select your school’s name from the menu.
Select DOWNLOAD. Executive Summary will appear as a PDF.
The Office of School Improvement and District Accreditation Contacts Lee Kolbert, Manager Lee.kolbert@palmbeachschools.org 561-357-7602 PX 47602 Cheryl McKeever, Director cheryl.mckeever@palmbeachschools.org 561-434-7654 PX 47654